Workplaces to Avoid if you are White, Male, or Straight
There’s a vast world of small companies that are managed and staffed by people who have better things to do than to imagine they are saving the world from people like you.
In 1983, after six years of being on the wrong end of "Affirmative Action" as a white male, I quit my very first professional job and swore to never again work for any company that implemented Affirmative Action. I retired in February 2020 after 36 subsequent years of having kept my promise and my self-respect. I recommend that you do the same.
Operating on Principle
It may seem picayune to let a matter of principle limit all one's future job choices, but matters of principle can have enormous practical consequences. For example, it is now obvious that companies that have Affirmative Action programs are also likely to force vaccine mandates upon their employees; companies having one disturbing moral failure are likely to have others. The practical consequence? You'll likely avoid places where the work environment is controlled by a hostile, highly vocal employee subgroup, or by Woke corporate management, all of whom are determined to undermine you.
This concept goes beyond just workplaces. I used to think that baseball was America's pastime, but in 2021 Major League Baseball proudly proclaimed itself to be a supporter of election fraud (presumably on behalf of its corrupt cronies in government) when it moved its All Star game to Colorado in defiance of Georgia citizens who had voted for minor improvements in their own election security. So guess what? I will never attend another MLB game in my life, not even as a guest.
Operating on principle has greater rewards than people imagine; unfortunately, people tend to discover this only late in life, long after they've made their investments in the wrong places. Example: you don’t want to be forced to quit within weeks of getting your pension because you refuse to be injected with an experimental drug.
My advice here is primarily for young people who are white or male or “straight” or any combination, but it is really for all people because you never know where Woke lunacy will strike next; Wokesters are always seeking new targets.
Practical Advice
First and foremost, educate yourself in a field that you expect will be heavily in demand with private employers. I got lucky; my childhood interest was in computers, and so during my 42 career years I never lacked a job. Prepare for a field where you can pick your employer. NEVER train for a job where the only openings are in rarified Woke environments like universities, or where the only jobs are government funded (e.g. research fields like climatology). Do your homework before you waste your college years.
If you find yourself on the wrong end of a vaccine mandate or an Affirmative Action policy (now "DEI" policy) or any other unreasonable employer tyranny, your problem is deeper than the policy; your problem is that you're working for the wrong employer. Get yourself out gracefully BEFORE YOU ARE FORCED OUT and then make sure you never again work for people who enact such policies. A short list of employers to avoid:
all government agencies at all levels, including and especially the military and all public schools,
all government contractors and subcontractors,
all organizations that solicit government funding, including and especially left-wing NGOs,
all large and/or public companies,
any company with a mandatory employee social indoctrination program,
any company that practices Woke philanthropy.
What’s left, you may ask? If you’ve chosen the right occupation, you’ll discover that the above list, as huge as it may seem, actually constitutes a small minority of employers. There’s a vast world of small companies that are managed and staffed by people who have better things to do than to imagine they are saving the world from people like you. Find a place where employees are focused on the work rather than being narcissistically obsessed with your and their “identities.” Believe me, you’ll be glad you did.
Before considering a new employer, be sure that there is no senior staff person or corporate policy statement dedicated to implementing any Woke policy. Examples: anyone on staff with "diversity", "equity", or "inclusion" in his/her title, a vaccine requirement, or an employee “sensitivity” training program. Check the company’s web site and other sources carefully to see what sorts of organizations it is funding. Determine if "pronouns", vaccines, masks, or any other lunacies are a "thing" among the employees. Do your homework ahead of time. You don't want to be discovering on day one, or perhaps in year nineteen, that you're in the wrong place.
Fringe Benefits
There is another benefit to avoiding Woke workplaces, which is that you are more likely to choose to start your own business. People ensconced in government jobs and large companies tend to be highly insulated from the real world, and therefore justifiably insecure about their own abilities to make it on their own. Restricting yourself to smaller, work-focused environments will make you more resilient and independent. Watching others navigate the realities of small business will make you more confident about doing it yourself.
Get Real: What AA and DEI are about
Before you go on the warpath against me, be assured that I have no problem hiring people who are unlike me. In fact, in the businesses that I owned solely, all the people I hired were either female or nonwhite or both. I didn’t hire them because of their races or genders; I hired them because they were the best available candidates for the jobs. I knew nothing about their sexual orientations or other aspects of their “identities” because it never occurred to me to inquire about such things. This may seem strange, but in my workplaces we were all focused on … work.
Remember that the purpose of Affirmative Action and DE&I programs is to reduce the proportion of people like you in the workforce, based purely on your identity. By choosing carefully you are not just helping yourself, but also the employers who seek to disenfranchise you. Employers claim that “diversity” is their strength; remember that “diversity” starts with having fewer people like you around. What better way to help them achieve their goal than by simply not working for them?
It's simple. Cancel them before they cancel you.
==== ADDENDUM OF 11/28/23
WATCH: How the HR Monster Destroyed the Workplace: The Woke Mission Creep of Human Resources Departments
Great article, David. I also will not do business with or work for any so-called DEI company that seeks to cram its Unconstitutional ideas down other people’s throat. If that’s their decision, so be it, but it will never receive a dime from me!
While working at an engineering firm back in the 1980s, the government required requests for proposals (RFP) on engineering services to include a 10 percent "minority owned business" participant. Needless to say, there were few trained minority (Black or female) engineers at that time. Recognizing the opportunity, an astute immigrant of color created a “minority owned” business enterprise to meet this newly created government contract compliance regulation. Despite the lack of trained engineering personnel on his staff, he enthusiastically participated in the RFP bidding process. If the engineering firm won the contract, he automatically earned the 10 percent fee. How far have we come in 40 years? Read this: