Teachers union has corrupted the membership. “Good” teachers are afraid to speak up. The single reason they can be fired.

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Interesting idea. But why aren't the republicans aggressively using the protections and remedies the founders put into the constitution? Such as the 10th amendment and Article V. We've lost the whole vital and central concept of the founding, Federalism and states' rights. The fatal conceit of the "experts" and progressivism have been a cancer that's metastasized over the past hundred years to the point it's about to finally kill its host, the USA. And consequently, liberty and capitalism along with it.

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You can't enforce the Constitution if you can't win elections:

Most people, especially Republicans, have no concept of strategy. They think an election involves putting up candidates in every major race and doing a full frontal attack on the enemy. They have no idea that in an unbalanced fight this is suicidal. Depending on who you believe, the DFL has 40 to 50 times the funding of the MNGOP. Even a small child realizes that you don't go up against a schoolyard bully twice your size and start punching him. But the MNGOP leadership does not have the common sense of a small child, and so it puts up candidates for governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. It puts up candidates for U.S. Senate, and tries to win U.S. House seats in utterly hopeless districts CD3, CD4, and CD5. Its chances of winning any of these seats are ZERO, but still it collects money from clueless Republicans across the state, to be flushed down the toilet chasing these impossible dreams. Meanwhile, Republican candidates in WINNABLE state-senate and state-house swing districts go unfunded. So the net effect of the MNGOP is to funnel campaign contributions away from winnable races and into unwinnable ones. I have a theory that the MNGOP is actually an operation of the DFL; after all, for the DFL, funding a mirage opposition party with 1/40 or 1/50 its budget would be trivial. https://dfl.org/press-release/dfl-party-raises-50-times-as-much-as-mngop/

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Read my comment on this Facebook post in order to understand the vapidity of Republican leadership, at least in Minnesota: https://www.facebook.com/mngop/posts/pfbid038D6xATUq1vy7up5tW8eCHwqVCbaebXsD6ntTdb9LxFgMmU9KZ5D2VnQEGnenbrVEl

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This could be the subject of multiple articles. First of all, to use the 10th Amendment you must go through the courts. Aside from being inefficient, the courts have a poor track record of upholding 10th Amendment lawsuits. In order to win using the Constitution we'd need a lot more constitutionalists on the various benches. Secondly, Republicans aren't very bright. I live in Minnesota, which in 2022 got a Democrat trifecta. I will post one of my railings against the MNGOP as a separate comment after this one. Republicans keep thinking that they're going to get heavily indoctrinated, fundamentally stupid populations (like those in the Twin Cities) to vote Republican in the next election; they seem to have no idea how far gone the American population is. In a losing circumstance like this, we'd need at least reasonably intelligent strategists at the helm, but (at least in many places) we don't have any. I think you will greatly enjoy my next article, which is an extremely blatant wake-up call. Its tentative name is, "Democrats are Marxists". I hope to use it to wake at least some Republicans from their fatal slumber.

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we live in a matriarchy and have since womens suffrage... this is what they do... destroy everything they touch... prove me wrong.................

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