May 17Liked by David Ziffer

It needs to be ridiculed and then we need to punish the wicked or it will never end and will only get worse because we are tolerating evil. Excellent Piece. "Never give the benefit of the doubt to people incapable of virtue" Quote from my Book.

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Jun 9Liked by David Ziffer

So, I understand why you say this,....and I think you are right, most people won't ever really wake up. They are NPC's. But I am retired and am on X (Twitter) 80% of my day,....trying to wake people up,....and I have to say many, many people ARE waking up. Many are waking up to realizing their lives have been destroyed by the mRNA shots they so willingly took over and over. Many of them are suffering very badly now. Between seeing the actual injuries and deaths,.....there is also the terror that they will be next! Many of them can't face that. Many will just kill themselves instead of facing it.

But there are people who are not sheep and are starting to see it's all a SCAM. Everything is a scam.

So much so that even diehard Trumpers are recognizing that Trump is just the Psyop for the people on the Right! When I started posting that,....I had very few people who listened to me. They were so brainwashed by all the Persecutions of Trump, which have created a new Messiah......a new religion,.....they couldn't imagine he was just one of the same group as every one else. But I think listening to Dr. Shiva's short video on how the 1% control the 99% really helped. Here, the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_3Nf6xjeFs

It really shows you how they all work together to HERD the Masses in whatever direction they need to at the moment to achieve their current Goal. And their Goal, their only goal is to Control every one and every thing on this planet. And maybe they already do!

One thing I will say is that I have 2 Sisters who are very well educated,....and they fell harder than my uneducated brother and myself. So, I almost think that being more College Educated makes you much more susceptible to the Mass Formation Psychosis Psyops they used on every one.

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Jun 9Liked by David Ziffer

One more comment, you know, we all need the Sheep. They are the people willing to do most of the jobs that need to get done to keep our Society working! They are the people who fill out the Universe for the rest of us, they're our friends, companions and care givers.

We need to understand that even the Sheep are important. Ridiculing them doesn't really help anything either. We really were just LUCKY to be who we are,.....and able to see what's coming,.....we are the "SEERS" of our time. But it was just luck we were born that way. We could just as easily been born Sheep!

Keep on trying to wake people up until there is no more time,.....then we'll all hunker down and try to make it through this next massive extinction event. Who knows, maybe it will work out to be a good thing,....we can't really 'SEE' the Future.

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Yes I've often had this thought. And in the caption of my first photo I acknowledged their value to the species. Without their sheeplike behavior, humans probably could not accomplish much on a large scale.

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I pray for Trump's re-election with comfortable Republican House and Senate majorities. However, knowing the depths of depravity to which Democrats are willing to sink to retain control of government at any cost leaves me deeply concerned for our nation's future.

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May 18Liked by David Ziffer

Excellent Observations. Dark, but then......

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