There is a good reason for the vast cultural buy-in.

After debating the morality of abortion, a friend of mine candidly told me that his girlfriend once had an abortion, and so if it were wrong, he would have been part of the murder of a baby. He said that was too much for his conscience to bear, so he had to believe it was morally ok.

I always keep this in mind when I am talking to someone who is pro-choice. Logic and reasoning won’t work for people if the logic makes them a murderer. I ask them if they’ve had an abortion, what it was like and how they felt about it at the time. Invariably they will say it was terrible. This is the best way to destroy their defenses and help them begin to heal the gaping wound in their souls.

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All this aside, the purpose of my article is not to argue against abortion; rather it is to propose a theory as to why the Democratic Party is dedicated to the elimination of abortion alternatives, especially an alternative that might catch the eye of some young woman being dragged to an abortion clinic. The whole proposition of the pro-aborts is that nasty Republicans are seeking to deny women something they desperately want and need. This position is based on another fallacy, namely that women at an abortion clinic are themselves the ones who want their children eliminated, and that they are not instead there under considerable duress. The Democrats' vitriolic insistence on eliminating pregnancy centers, clinic protesters, and abortion survivors makes sense only when we consider that we have a legal system that grants substantial financial rights to women who have children by men who are not their husbands. The billionaire class cannot afford such rights being granted to women who are being shagged by their playboy sons and grandsons.

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Agree, most of the women getting an abortion do not want it, but are being forced by parents, boyfriends, or pimps.

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I don't think that is true at all. Do you have any source for that comment?

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Most of the alternative places use deception in their advertising. It would be different if they said up front that they were an abortion alternative. Naming places "pregnancy crisis center" is intentionally vague

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Right. And similarly, the abortion industry is totally upfront about what it does. I'm always seeing Planned Parenthood telling people about how second-trimester "pregnancies" involve dismembering a nearly fully formed human being alive: https://www.abortionprocedures.com/

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and .anti abortion advocates act like 2nd trimester abortions are the norm and not less than 1 percent of procedures. Perhaps neither side is being upfront.

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According to the CDC, 6.6% of abortions are performed at the 14-week mark or later, all of which would be in the 2nd trimester, except the even more horrific 3rd trimester ones. In the USA alone there are an estimated 2,000 abortions per day, so that would be about 132 live dismemberments per day. How many live dismemberments do you think are ok? https://www.cdc.gov/reproductive-health/data-statistics/abortion-surveillance-findings-reports.html

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If you were dealing with a rational person that would be a mic drop moment. Well argued.

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double speak

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Yes, the Democrats' favorite logical fallacy is the ad hominem attack: if they can't argue the issue (because they're on the wrong side if it) then they find a way - no matter how absurd - to impugn the integrity of their opponents. Here, for example, they manage to convince their voters that there is something morally wrong with charitable service providers who don't expressly dissuade potential "clients" who've been brainwashed by the media and likely also otherwise coerced into believing that they MUST do something that many of them will likely regret for the rest of their lives.

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I use the same concept of deconstructing my opponents' viewpoint, but in a different way. I remind opponents that their position requires them to PRETEND that the "pregnancy" isn't human and therefore that killing it is somehow ok. If you look at the rhetoric of the pro-aborts, you'll see that it has been thoroughly, desperately cleansed of any terms that would imply that a PERSON is being KILLED. Their entire position is based on a preposterous lie that is maintained by the mechanisms of the abortion industry. I refuse to allow the conversation to move past this until I get them to acknowledge that they've bought into this lie, and that their position is based upon it.

Now I'll add your strategy, which features the emotional component, to my quiver, though I generally don't ask people such personal questions, and of course your strategy requires that my opponents be honest, not only with me, but also with themselves.

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Biden's FBI: "Pro-Life Leader Targeted by Biden's DOJ Delivers Shocking Testimony Before Congress": https://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2024/12/20/face-act-house-hearing-n2649238

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Financial incentives are important, but it’s somehow become part of their religion, like a sacrament. Like it’s an outrage if any baby that the mother thought about aborting is not aborted. It’s a positive act to them somehow, something to be encouraged. It’s an evil religion, that much is certain.

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Yes, abortion allows people to continue their sexual escapades with no repercussions and freed them from responsibility.

But it still feels a bit deeper than that, because we are starting to see a push for no children at all, not just no “unwanted” children. They want the destruction of the family because they want to replace it with the state and that allows them to be all-powerful.

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It’s darker than that. What do you think they do with those baby parts?

It’s a huge market!!

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I suppose that that could well be part of the motivation as well ... every death is money in somebody's pocket.

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I had a 23 week preemie survive in the NICU when I was a med student -over forty years ago! She most definitely could feel pain. Abortion is barbaric.

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A second-trimester (D&E) abortion is a live dismemberment. It is a wonder to me that our media manage to keep this all secret, to the point where almost none of our population knows anything about it: https://www.abortionprocedures.com/

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I have been prolife since before I was a Christian 25 years ago- I didn’t know why I had such a strong connection to helping moms save their babies till I became a Christian! I’ve done all sorts of work for the movement but the most unusual ask I got was from God the day before the elections! I help in our community leading others to help a community fridge in our community here in Idaho! I use a Instagram page called: feedthe2CIdaho https://www.instagram.com/feedthe2cidaho/profilecard/?igsh=em1tcndweDNocjE4

God had me ask for diapers, formula and wipes from our community— I literally argued can we wait till after the election??? Knowing abortion was such a hot button issue and here in Idaho the abortion rights of Idaho are mad and I didn’t want them to target me or my little ole page on IG. Well I did the ask and in 24 hours we had 9 cans of formula 9 boxes of multi wipes and 21 bOXES of diapers for our pantry shelf. I was shocked so many responded so fast to my Amazon wish list amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/PCTJ18GUXG3O

Then the next day after all the asking on IG disappeared and TRUMP won — abortion rights of Idaho IG shared my post and said look if we had legal abortions in Idaho we wouldn’t need help with baby supplies!!! I didn’t respond. I didn’t block them or not let them follow me—- it was such a yay God moment that I’m so glad I

Was obedient!!!

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Bless you, the need for these supplies is desperate, even in my own family.

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I was always mystified by why liberals are so hell-bent on murdering unborn children. Your theory makes perfect sense. The evil that controls democrat thinking and behavior is beyond the understanding of most people.

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Hard hitting and there’s nothing more illuminating than financial motivation.

Not mentioned but implied is the motivation of women who desire easy access to abortion for other women.

Gender solidarity? Or protecting the nest and the nest egg from potential heirs?

I’ve been wondering about this for some time, about the strange obsession with abortion rights and your explanation is the very best I have heard. Selfish motives are the most likely motives of all.

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I'm sure that Elizabeth Warren's family has a lot of nest egg to protect.

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My God. I have been blind to this aspect and never allowed myself to dig this deep for the obvious answer to WHY. I guess my mind just doesn’t think that darkly. Thank you for spelling it out so clearly.

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Because they are children of Satan.

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Yup. That too: Satan is easy to find once you know where to look for him: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/finding-satan

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Brilliant. Thank you. I volunteer at a pregnancy care center. We care for everyone. It is heartbreaking work.

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Oh yes I almost forgot - THANK YOU FOR THE WORK YOU DO. Do you have any recommendations as to how we can best support you, financially and otherwise?

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Pray for our directors and staff. They are there all week. We are actually funded solely by a baby bottle campaign. About fifty churches fill bottles with change, bills, and checks.

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Please forward this article to your associates, and thanks in return.

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David, good article. You're not wrong, but I think there are additional factors to consider:

1. The Pregnancy Care Center movement is a direct challenge to the premises of the pro-abortion movement. It is not just that they are offering an "alternative to abortion." They are offering an alternative set of answers to the most basic questions of life. Who are we? Why are we here? What will make us happy? The PCC ladies (and yes, most of the workers and volunteers at these pregnancy centers are WOMEN!) are implicitly saying that the human person is meant for love, not use. We are here to love on you and your baby and that makes us happy. You loving your baby has the potential to make you happy. The pro-abortion people have no answer to that.

The very existence of a bunch of women helping other women have and care for their babies undermines the "feminist" claim to speak for all women.

2. The other factor to consider is this. You explain why the wealthy politicos want dead babies. Another additional factor is that delaying childbearing has become the price of entering the professions, for women at least, and to some extent to men as well. The professions, including journalism, is dominated by people who place a greater value on their careers than starting a family, compared to the ladies who form the bulk of the pro-life movement. Those pro-career women, on average, got to the top of their professions by taking advantage of the "right to choose." And then the point that Mr. "Breaker" makes kicks in: the guilty conscience problem.

So, your point is valid. And there are other factors too.

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Good points. I prefer #2 because of the enormous sums involved and because of the high cost of each abortion defector. Yes I could easily see America's CEOs being as financially motivated by this as they are by the fear of paternity suits.

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Your original post explains why the politicians are rabid. My 2nd point explains why the journos give them cover.

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Once conception and implantation occur, unless by act of God or man, in 9 months a full term baby will be born. Willful interference with that outcome to "terminate the pregnancy" is the deliberate killing of a human being for the convenience of somebody. There's really no way to dance around it.

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They "dance around it" by redirecting the conversation and perverting the language to the point where this obvious reality is never discussed at all.

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This is superb and I'm keeping it. I am literally throwing up after reading this. Such evil in this world. I used to be a volunteer peer counselor at a crisis pregnancy center. The vast majority of clients were just looking for free products and services. However, I did counsel girls who were terrified to be caught cheating, which was not mentioned in the article. I did not encounter sex workers.

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Thanks for your inside take. Presumably, the only sex workers you would see in your center would be those who had decided to escape and who had escaped successfully. By design, those would be rare.

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I think the main reason is that the abortion industry makes money from killing babies and they donate a bunch of this money to democratic politicians. Like most businesses, they don’t like competition.

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