Why Democrats are so Rabidly Pro-Abortion
You’ve probably never imagined the most plausible explanation
There’s an interesting thing about Democrats: they are not just interested in keeping abortion clinics open. No, they’re also 100% intent on closing down all alternatives that could possibly lead to the survival of a baby. Now why would that be? Why would someone who is not a psychopath want to eliminate every possible avenue for the survival of a child whose mother is distressed? Why would people who are constantly blathering about “choice” be actively destroying all alternatives to abortion clinics?
It's one thing to claim that a woman should be able to choose to get an abortion. It is another entirely to guarantee that a woman on her way to an abortion clinic can’t possibly be sidetracked by alternatives. Democrats everywhere are absolutely fixated on eliminating the following:
pregnancy crisis centers,
anyone trying to dissuade abortion clinic clients,
and anyone providing care to infants who survive abortions.
In fact Democrats go far beyond merely opposing such things – they are pursuing the shutdown and/or criminalization of all of these. What could be the motivation?
A Likely Scenario
Let’s suppose you’re a male legislator (with your, uh, equipment still intact despite your party’s transgenderism fetish). You spend many nights at the capital away from home, whether that is your state capital or the big one in D.C. You might be away for weeks. During campaigns you may spend yet more time on the road. What do you do for entertainment on those long, lonely nights?
Fast-forward. You’re zipping your pants after finishing off with the latest hooker that your escort service provided. But a disturbing thought arises: there’s always the possibility that you’ve gotten her pregnant. That would be inconvenient indeed, especially if this girl, whose real name you don’t even know and whose whereabouts you might never know after tonight, isn’t cooperative.
Now of course you have an implicit agreement with the escort service (i.e. her pimps) that such a problem will be taken care of. Still … there’s always the exception. If your girl here decides that she’s had enough abortions or “johns” like you, and/or she manages to escape at some point and she’s carrying your child, things might get sticky.
The possibilities are disturbing. What happens if her pimp is dragging her to her next abortion, and she flees into the arms of some church group near the clinic? What if she slips into a crisis pregnancy center and is convinced to keep the child? Or, suppose she has the abortion and the child somehow survives (e.g. the abortionist kills one twin without realizing the other is still in there)?
Well, things could get nasty for you. The living child now carries enough of your DNA to conclusively prove your relationship. That child is living evidence of your little romp tonight. The child or its mother might someday file a paternity suit. The mother might drag your name through the press, ruining your chances for re-election. She might win the rights to a sizeable fraction of your estate. You might end up in a divorce, further fragmenting your retirement fund and your princely image. What’s a “john” to do?
Democrats’ war against pregnancy crisis centers
Democrats’ constant railing against pregnancy crisis centers is nothing short of horrifying. The propaganda against them is astounding. Do a search on “pregnancy crisis center” and you’ll find page after page of articles designed to convince people that there is something diabolical, unethical, and dangerous about them simply because they do not refer women to abortionists.
In case you’re not familiar with pregnancy centers, here is what they do:
Fact Sheet: Pregnancy Centers – Serving Women and Saving Lives
And here is a tiny sample of what the Democrats and their minions say about them:
Elizabeth Warren Wants To Shut Down All of the Country's Crisis Pregnancy Centers
By merely existing, it seems, crisis pregnancy centers prevent you from going elsewhere
Why Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are Legal but Unethical (Should we be surprised that something that costs American Medical Association members business is denounced as unethical, in its “Journal of Ethics”, no less?)
Massachusetts government wants you to “Avoid crisis pregnancy centers”
Get it? Providing a free ultrasound is dangerous. Counseling you on options not involving the death of your baby is dangerous. Offering you post-delivery baby supplies and assistance is dangerous. Getting advice from anyone who is not an abortionist is dangerous. Only going to the abortionist, who will dismember your baby alive with a pair of pliers while it’s still inside you is safe. Got it?
Perhaps the most astounding claim in the articles above is that pregnancy centers do not offer compassionate, individualized care to clients. Like this one from the American Medical Association, for example:
This would be hysterical if it were not so evil. The AMA’s abortion mills push their clients through their system as fast as possible, generally provide no counseling whatsoever, refuse to show women the ultrasounds they’ve taken in preparation for killing their babies, and often send women home with drugs to manage their own abortions over the toilets in their own bathrooms. Listen to some former abortion workers:
If that’s not enough, listen to this description of what an abortion actually is, over the objection of a Democrat who certainly doesn’t want you to know what it’s about:
Democrats’ war against abortion clinic protesters
Your political career could get really tarnished if your latest one-night-stand falls into the hands of people who might convince her to change direction; that’s why abortion-clinic protesters are second only to pregnancy centers in attracting the rabid ire of Democrats. Want to do seriously hard jail time? Protest at an abortion clinic, and you’ll spend more time locked up than many murderers:
Why do you suppose Democrats (with the aid of some Republicans) went out of their way to craft Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) legislation, converting what would in most cases be at most a charge of trespassing and/or obstruction into a federal crime and a felony, punishable by years in prison? Maybe Bill Clinton, who signed the bill, knows:
Maybe Jeffrey Epstein knows too, but these days he isn’t talking.
Democrats’ war against abortion survivors
Democrats have spent much time lying to the public about how late-term abortions never happen and how abortion survivors don’t exist. Having lost these battles, Democrats now simply legalize infanticide:
Now what do you suppose is going through the mind of someone who refuses to prosecute an abortionist for leaving an already-born child to die from neglect, when a mother who does precisely this same thing is prosecuted for murder and/or manslaughter? It defies explanation, unless …
Democrats will never “love them both”
If after reading all the lies designed to convince women that saving their babies is dangerous and misguided, and that killing their babies is safe and virtuous, you may have started to suspect that the Democrat Party is a haven of murderous psychopaths. I’m not going to dissuade you. The self-serving evil of the party is beyond my comprehension. It astounds me that this is not more evident to more people, which of course is why I wrote this article.
Pro-Life organizations naively believe that we are served by leaders who merely need to be persuaded. Pro-Lifers hold rallies designed to convince legislators to “love them both”. I believe that most Pro-Lifers suffer from a lack of imagination; they cannot grasp the enormity of the evil against which they are fighting.
In 2020, Democrats went into hysterics over the release of Hunter’s laptop. They even got 51 “intelligence” agents to lie about it. Reflecting on this, I’m pretty sure the hysteria wasn’t so much due to the bad press affecting Hunter’s dad, who was going to be installed no matter how voters voted. No, party members were mostly concerned about themselves. By stupidly filming himself, Hunter had given the public a window into the extracurricular activities of our ruling class. Strip them of their robes and suits and look into their hotel rooms, and no doubt many if not most of them would bear much resemblance to him:
Of course this isn’t just a Democrat thing; there are way too many Republicans who seem soooo reluctant to discuss the obvious horrors of abortion – people who tepidly, sheepishly dance around the issue and allow the Democrats to control the conversation.
Fortunately for them, our leaders had little to fear from Hunter’s exposé; they overestimated the imaginations of the American public. Even after the truth was revealed, the average dupe never made the connection that Hunter’s photos were depicting the lifestyles of many if not most of our elected officials.
So next time some politician derails an abortion discussion by talking about:
victims of rape & incest (1% of abortions),
pregnancy threatening the life of the mother (another 1%),
or non-viable fetuses (another 2%),
remind that speaker that
96% of abortions are purely elective,
the person wanting the abortion is often not the woman getting it,
and we’re not even measuring the obviously huge fraction of abortions purchased by prostitutes and/or their pimps, who most likely don’t answer surveys:
Political pundits often wonder what has happened to the Democrat Party since Bill Clinton appeased centrist voters in 1992 by coining the phrase, “safe, legal and rare”. It took me awhile to figure this out myself: What happened is the radical improvement in the accuracy and cost of DNA testing. Even as Clinton was mouthing those words, DNA testing was for the first time becoming 100% indisputable evidence of paternity in court, and in the coming decades, the cost of such testing would fall through the roof:
Today, literally anyone can afford a legally admissible paternity test, including all those girls that Hunter was shagging. Imagine the threat to the family fortune, amassed through decades of tedious influence peddling, if even one of them had a surviving child (oh yeah, in fact Hunter is a case in point; how much did that cost the Bidens?).
Family jewels, indeed. If you’re a billionaire who’s terrified of what his playboy sons might be doing during their endless spare time, who are you gonna call? Certainly not Republicans, who are implementing serious restrictions in almost all the states they control, out of respect for their constituents’ moral sensibilities.
Pro-abortion politicians zipping their pants after “doing” their prostitutes are not going to start “loving them both”. Ditto for the Democrat party’s billionaire supporters and their playboy sons. There’s too much at stake to allow the possibility of some flighty girl escaping their control and deciding that she doesn’t want to murder her own child after all.
If there’s a baby, the politicians and their billionaires want the baby dead - no ifs, ands, or buts. And if the baby manages to survive the abortion, then they still want the baby dead. Our leaders and their supporters want to ensure that there is absolutely no chance, no possibility for survival. Because, you see, our politicians’ need for abortion has nothing to do with a woman’s “right to choose” or “reproductive care”. It’s really about their own political and financial survival.
So next time some Democrat starts mouthing the usual platitudes about rape and incest, ectopic pregnancies, shutting down pregnancy centers and such, just think about the hundreds of undisciplined sons and grandsons of our billionaires who are collectively taking chances on impregnating their prostitutes and girlfriends thousands of times per year, and remember that it’s really all about protecting the family jewels.
There is a good reason for the vast cultural buy-in.
After debating the morality of abortion, a friend of mine candidly told me that his girlfriend once had an abortion, and so if it were wrong, he would have been part of the murder of a baby. He said that was too much for his conscience to bear, so he had to believe it was morally ok.
I always keep this in mind when I am talking to someone who is pro-choice. Logic and reasoning won’t work for people if the logic makes them a murderer. I ask them if they’ve had an abortion, what it was like and how they felt about it at the time. Invariably they will say it was terrible. This is the best way to destroy their defenses and help them begin to heal the gaping wound in their souls.
Biden's FBI: "Pro-Life Leader Targeted by Biden's DOJ Delivers Shocking Testimony Before Congress": https://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2024/12/20/face-act-house-hearing-n2649238