Sentiment and humor are great, but we can't actually do this. Question: how are we going to get the sheeples' heads out of their propaganda? Unfortunately Gore and Cortez have a media machine behind them that has totally turned reality on its head, and their party is moving the world in the wrong direction by eliminating competition for their messages.
David, I agree and although ridicule and comedy can be an effective tool against them, it can and should not be the only response.
I get frustrated when I hear people discuss the anti-liberty false and often deadly meaning actors such as Gore & Cortez as if they are ignorant, and that they are not actively doing the biding of those that hate us and would cause us all and all we love to suffer to an early death.
We have been broken-minded and judgement weaken to the extent that even people that know some source of authority has clearly and knowing lied to us - to seem to forget and return to trusting them, or that when it results in a million deaths - such as the WMD war - that we cannot respond in a right or just manner, in a way that our Great Grandfather would have .. if it was not investigated, or clearly false investigated results, or no punishment to fit the crime (if you killed 50 people intentionally - what would you expect) they and we should be only discussing the proper response, should they be hanged in public with the false investigators, or prison for life, and since their souls are rotten and raised that way should their parents or all adults in that family be included?
Can you tell why we so broken, so weak, so unable to defend ourselves and loved? Is it that we raised from crib fatherless, forced to accept [so many] insanities as normal, or fraud history left us all Haunted from childhood by 5.7 millions of never-alive undead from WWII, or those other mind-raping residue?
Two points here. First, comedy was not my purpose in laying out all the failed Climate Change predictions. I am not poking fun at the purveyors; I am making it obvious to readers how blatantly and constantly they are being scammed. Second, if you read further down you'll see that once I'm done trashing them, I give readers an actual real-life real-time tool that they can use to explore the NOAA historical temperature data themselves. It seems to me that exposing the lies while making the truth publicly available should be a really effective one-two punch.
Thanks for this reference. Bell says, "the industry has been dominated by private investors and corporate interests who are attracted to a market for which products can be coerced and mandated". Along these lines, you might enjoy my shorter article. No, I don't have proof, but the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming: "Climate Change is actually about going all-nuclear":
What you write in this substack from March, seems most definitely plausible; especially because Gates is investing in the nuclear industry. . . The MSN link is very helpful! Thank you so much for spreading your research!
I do not believe is "climate change" or "global warming" or whatever you want to call it but I have people around me that do. They will NEVER read your long post - is there anyway you can summarize this all down to a paragraph or two that catch's people's attention off the get go?
If you have ideas along these lines I'm all ears, but the problem is that I wrote the article with the opposite philosophy. Other articles refuting "climate change" tend to provide tiny snippets, requiring readers to read lots of them to assemble the big picture, and few people will do that (that's even harder than reading my one big article). My strategy here is to show just how ridiculous the "climate change" propagandists' claims are by assembling LOTS of examples. And then my final nail in their coffin is to provide you with a graphing tool that lets you look up the actual NOAA data yourself. So I could split all this stuff up and/or reduce the content in each section, but the result would be similar to all the other bits-and-pieces articles.
I don't know how to do it but I know my friends wouldn't read a long article. They are on the fence, trying to figure this all out and just need a "summarized" version.
Elle, you are correct, but sadly for most of those people it has been reported, and I have experienced, they live in a different reality, and there programming is such that anyone disagreeing or displaying information against their Authorities and Religion makes you are ignorant, uncredible, so someone to ignore, or worse - you are dangerous and trying to kill gramma and their children.
I was one of those people about something else, and it took a healing act of God to break the block I had, a block that was linked to love and trust of mother, and although their Blocks might be different - the broken-mind unable to trust your or their lying eyes and ability to be correct in thought if against that Authority or gods they have faith in. This is intentional and being unable to think critically - even if we had the true information - the killing of confidence in ourselves - is part of the weaking and control installed in us all.
It is clear that those people in such a broken state, be it about Climate or about anything else, are dangerous to all us, society, and our futures, and should not have power over others. Not while Sickened and (we Traditional Catholics should know they are Demon-Oppressed) are unable to hear or think differently about the subjects, as if voices in their minds it is already screeching 'say Peoplekind and never Mankind!', will block considerations that are different, and if they start the voices then threating and causing fear.
This is a situation for me to point out that allowing everyone to vote is insane. That a simple policy of requiring full citizenship power be earned by 4 or more years of voluntary Service, community, national, and-or international, sex-separated dorms, training, .. and most things if makes sense to be separated - real sense and not the broken-slimy-twisted-lying feminist-feelie 'sense' .. and when done those 4 years we all can trust that person to care for others and Nation, and likely to not vote if they are unclear on issues.
Having many years in basic medical research, I witnessed the undermining of it enough, as well as most professions that I cannot trust the public presented information. Long ago it was clear that all public funded research papers, details on methods, and the raw data should be available, Web-site accessible is fine, and presented in such a standard way that programs would be easily written to become involved, reproduce, and-or review it all. With Universities and Institutions getting 150%-200% 'overhead' (last I heard) on every grant, how can any claim hardship to not hire staff to do that?
Many years ago I saw the real data from an ex-employee researcher in the lab of one of those scientists well know and Globalists and corp-Media celebrated for his work and testimony about the then called 'Global warming'. He showed the raw data and that 'corrected' data, and the raw was cyclic (year after year, up-down then back to same Temperature), the final data clearly had the drops periods removed and each rise periods shifted up.
As a retired peer-reviewed author researcher that worked with all the data we generated from experiments for years, and having seen the final graph a few times before and the raw data, it is very believable the pre-manipulated data of that published graph was the original, but not 100% .. but if my life depended on picking which was real and unmanipulated, to get it correct (and would die if not picking either) I would say the published data is false .. with so much confidence that I would pick the same way even if you & world would die if I was not correct.
Since then, I heard a climate scientist of many years presentation at a meeting, and his lab uses Satellite data that records temperature some distance (100 m?) over the surface of all the world and has that data for decades - and the average(s) have not changed over regions and entire world. You would have to look for that or his other interviews because corp-media or others would not show you him. Him and those like him that have not been pushed-out, unfunded, or other ways they control research results and those that are not driven out .. the reason he and other reliable researchers are allowed and funded is because the powerful elite families need to know the true situation - while they mind-raping us all.
It is likely that he knows not to become too effective or public with his information, not because he in helping those in power, but because he is like you and me and is doing work he is proud of and not hiding it ..
.. not hiding the information, unlike the woman researcher that would not publish the written and ready paper with the data that shows puberty blockers ARE harmful to children - because it would inform us into protecting children and stopping their use, and so result in stopping the abuse and harm that (the typical delusional lying psychotic Sick woman demon-possessed and directed 'professional') supported, and she stated that since a legal case was pending before the SCOTUS that the truth might [would] have been used in, so resulted in less children spending lives twisted and damaged in many ways, and sexual-Sick pedo-women that get-off by mind-raping and destroying the helpless [children's] lives, like most women with children, twisting their lives to one filled with needless suffering, horror, isolation, suicides, and death (as I understand it, who doesn't see it that way!?)
When will we as a society and world - get Clarity on the fact that we all are mind-broken and damaged as intended we be - we were (for generations) raised from crib by those we trusted to accept insanity as normal.
So now most [fatherless raised] men do not think and value as men have always done - needing and seeking Truth, Justice, Order - and considering long-term and other's successes and health are important.
.. and Western women that are University 'educated' and influenced by the Elite Managerial Class, and generations driven from professions, so no men of virtue and old standard values in k-8th grades as teachers or administrators, and the later levels of educational teachers and administrator men silent to the crimes of co-worker women and management's evils because (like no-fault Divorce threat castrated real Fatherhood) not wanting the punishment they know and seen inflicted on men who Stand, the endless torment, repression, abuse from the slimy lying vile Witch-Whisper-Web female-evil that makes every workplace into a Toxic fem-Nazi gonad-crushing hell-hole, up to destruction of livelihood, life, and liberty (False Rape Accusation or such.)
And we see Tenure does not protect men in many cases, except the one woman (protected by Vag-Jew-Card) with gonads to act as men used to and still would if it not clear that Elite managerial Class would destroy them and that almost every every F-ing women near him or in field would turn TRUE - we see the vicious vile lying abusive delusional psychos, so F-ing ugly and dangerous to Joy-Love-Life-Truth-Justice-Order that were they a man most of us would throw them off a building to protect self-others. Like all those divorce-raping wives and the Judges and law-makers .. which 1 out of 10,000 women are not so?
Decent women exist - I knew 3 in my life from their actions (Fruits).
Only 3, to all our Shame! The rest be much like that woman researcher hiding information from us.
Womanhood's Putrid Sickness was not tolerated before birth-control and baby-killing, that nearly all were a Blessing, and as an older child the Sickness was not clear because adults mind-damage had not spread - they were past the point where Sicken mothers started twisting the helpless in crib, or that corp-media could influence, and employers and others know not to threaten and pressure.
The change of vileness and demon-possession became clearest in those women that fell for 3rd wave feminism which I saw and suffered under in late 1980's-1990's at UVM, where women said and acted as if true (maybe believed) that all [white] men were rapist, violent, oppressive, women-abusiver,.. and if not police & courts they would be.
Insanity, and many knew it was not true, but Power was in that unTruth, unJust, disOrdering path (because vile slimy virtueless meritless Sick people act as if they cannot rise without destroying everyone they consider better) and when Womanhood is so Sick that killing our babies is powerfulness, then destroying us and mind-raping other women and children into destroying us is acceptable. After the over 1000 years of white Catholic men and the societies we created ruled the world and brought so much Goodness, that directing women and their active-supporting and profiting women knew in a fair and open 'fight' against men, we would laugh and performance-wise rip their head off, then take them home and love them.
So instead slimy lying disHonorable vileness is clearly used against use trusting caring helping loving men, and in our pain, confusion, suicides, homelessness, poverty, mind-brokenness, .., the damaged powerlessness of manhood from their Female-evil betrayal and treachery, they come-out from hiding and we hear that women and sick men vote for women to be able to torture-to-death silently screaming babies of ours up to right before and during birth on their whim, with the father - if he knows - unable to protect his child with entire Gov stopping him from doing his Duty.
.. so Satan is opening walking the earth, and most Western womanhood is with him and sucking-him.
Before when I said those 3rd wave feminist women 'maybe believed' the False-witness about manhood, and we all shock our heads and thought - well it is clearly untrue as women have eyes-to-see how much men create, support, and are needed for all the Good we and they have - but as we now know that many were fatherless with mothers that lied to them from crib of how the father was abusive and oppressive (and loving her and protecting her and correcting her, and she was a pre-curser delusional psychos we see now, and hate anyone that protects and warns of her vile Sick 'whims'), and those women from crib through life got increasing lies form gov, media, all Captured powers that influence and could reward or punish her.
.. so the putridness, vileness, Piousness, lying, back-stabbing delusional psycho Western womanhood (and Sick men) were Groomed over generations to what they are now. To the point that Clear Reason informs us that if God send a Real pandemic that killed all post menopause women, it would be so sad but we all would Understand within months as Sanity returns, our surety & Faith in a Loving God would grow as Love-Joy-Life-Goodness-Truth-Justice-Order and ability to Hope in a future we would want to raise a huge family in, as that all Becomes.
And those of us that recognize that the forces that twisted Science, all Professions, Groomed our children into Sick women (and men), and also directed genocidal social forces that were killing us and through us - using women to prevent and destroy families of White Christian value-raised indigenous race were still in-play, and if this was today we would look around the world for signs of them - know that we are all [East] Palestinians now.
I reason it would be a good trade to run a risk of 3+ Billions killed in a nuke war to remove them and all those in real power, after all in my lifetime world-wide that many of our babies were tortured to death - that those powerful contrived and wanted sacrificed to Satan, their Master.
.. would you not agree even if you knew it would kill you and those you love? If not, then your dead and those you've already twisted - might all be best dead.
Gore and Cortez should be confined to a small closet and fed Ex-Lax!
Sentiment and humor are great, but we can't actually do this. Question: how are we going to get the sheeples' heads out of their propaganda? Unfortunately Gore and Cortez have a media machine behind them that has totally turned reality on its head, and their party is moving the world in the wrong direction by eliminating competition for their messages.
David, I agree and although ridicule and comedy can be an effective tool against them, it can and should not be the only response.
I get frustrated when I hear people discuss the anti-liberty false and often deadly meaning actors such as Gore & Cortez as if they are ignorant, and that they are not actively doing the biding of those that hate us and would cause us all and all we love to suffer to an early death.
We have been broken-minded and judgement weaken to the extent that even people that know some source of authority has clearly and knowing lied to us - to seem to forget and return to trusting them, or that when it results in a million deaths - such as the WMD war - that we cannot respond in a right or just manner, in a way that our Great Grandfather would have .. if it was not investigated, or clearly false investigated results, or no punishment to fit the crime (if you killed 50 people intentionally - what would you expect) they and we should be only discussing the proper response, should they be hanged in public with the false investigators, or prison for life, and since their souls are rotten and raised that way should their parents or all adults in that family be included?
Can you tell why we so broken, so weak, so unable to defend ourselves and loved? Is it that we raised from crib fatherless, forced to accept [so many] insanities as normal, or fraud history left us all Haunted from childhood by 5.7 millions of never-alive undead from WWII, or those other mind-raping residue?
God Bless., Steve
Two points here. First, comedy was not my purpose in laying out all the failed Climate Change predictions. I am not poking fun at the purveyors; I am making it obvious to readers how blatantly and constantly they are being scammed. Second, if you read further down you'll see that once I'm done trashing them, I give readers an actual real-life real-time tool that they can use to explore the NOAA historical temperature data themselves. It seems to me that exposing the lies while making the truth publicly available should be a really effective one-two punch.
Excellent post. I expect to show it to many people. :D
Well written and "fact checked" 🥳
I would share this with friends and relatives but they would be offended and get angry.
This is the world we have become. frightened offended and angry.
I am staying out of it.
Yes, there is little to be gained from arguing with members of THE HERD: A warning against false hope:
You might want to read "Climate and Public Health - A Two Headed Inquisition" by David Bell. It goes well with your brilliant article. . . Thank You!
Thanks for this reference. Bell says, "the industry has been dominated by private investors and corporate interests who are attracted to a market for which products can be coerced and mandated". Along these lines, you might enjoy my shorter article. No, I don't have proof, but the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming: "Climate Change is actually about going all-nuclear":
What you write in this substack from March, seems most definitely plausible; especially because Gates is investing in the nuclear industry. . . The MSN link is very helpful! Thank you so much for spreading your research!
Great article! Look up John Droz and his website: Specifically look at his Global Warming tab. He writes a substack that you should read/follow as well - we must all work together here.
I do not believe is "climate change" or "global warming" or whatever you want to call it but I have people around me that do. They will NEVER read your long post - is there anyway you can summarize this all down to a paragraph or two that catch's people's attention off the get go?
If you have ideas along these lines I'm all ears, but the problem is that I wrote the article with the opposite philosophy. Other articles refuting "climate change" tend to provide tiny snippets, requiring readers to read lots of them to assemble the big picture, and few people will do that (that's even harder than reading my one big article). My strategy here is to show just how ridiculous the "climate change" propagandists' claims are by assembling LOTS of examples. And then my final nail in their coffin is to provide you with a graphing tool that lets you look up the actual NOAA data yourself. So I could split all this stuff up and/or reduce the content in each section, but the result would be similar to all the other bits-and-pieces articles.
I don't know how to do it but I know my friends wouldn't read a long article. They are on the fence, trying to figure this all out and just need a "summarized" version.
Elle, you are correct, but sadly for most of those people it has been reported, and I have experienced, they live in a different reality, and there programming is such that anyone disagreeing or displaying information against their Authorities and Religion makes you are ignorant, uncredible, so someone to ignore, or worse - you are dangerous and trying to kill gramma and their children.
I was one of those people about something else, and it took a healing act of God to break the block I had, a block that was linked to love and trust of mother, and although their Blocks might be different - the broken-mind unable to trust your or their lying eyes and ability to be correct in thought if against that Authority or gods they have faith in. This is intentional and being unable to think critically - even if we had the true information - the killing of confidence in ourselves - is part of the weaking and control installed in us all.
It is clear that those people in such a broken state, be it about Climate or about anything else, are dangerous to all us, society, and our futures, and should not have power over others. Not while Sickened and (we Traditional Catholics should know they are Demon-Oppressed) are unable to hear or think differently about the subjects, as if voices in their minds it is already screeching 'say Peoplekind and never Mankind!', will block considerations that are different, and if they start the voices then threating and causing fear.
This is a situation for me to point out that allowing everyone to vote is insane. That a simple policy of requiring full citizenship power be earned by 4 or more years of voluntary Service, community, national, and-or international, sex-separated dorms, training, .. and most things if makes sense to be separated - real sense and not the broken-slimy-twisted-lying feminist-feelie 'sense' .. and when done those 4 years we all can trust that person to care for others and Nation, and likely to not vote if they are unclear on issues.
God Bless., Steve
Having many years in basic medical research, I witnessed the undermining of it enough, as well as most professions that I cannot trust the public presented information. Long ago it was clear that all public funded research papers, details on methods, and the raw data should be available, Web-site accessible is fine, and presented in such a standard way that programs would be easily written to become involved, reproduce, and-or review it all. With Universities and Institutions getting 150%-200% 'overhead' (last I heard) on every grant, how can any claim hardship to not hire staff to do that?
Many years ago I saw the real data from an ex-employee researcher in the lab of one of those scientists well know and Globalists and corp-Media celebrated for his work and testimony about the then called 'Global warming'. He showed the raw data and that 'corrected' data, and the raw was cyclic (year after year, up-down then back to same Temperature), the final data clearly had the drops periods removed and each rise periods shifted up.
As a retired peer-reviewed author researcher that worked with all the data we generated from experiments for years, and having seen the final graph a few times before and the raw data, it is very believable the pre-manipulated data of that published graph was the original, but not 100% .. but if my life depended on picking which was real and unmanipulated, to get it correct (and would die if not picking either) I would say the published data is false .. with so much confidence that I would pick the same way even if you & world would die if I was not correct.
Since then, I heard a climate scientist of many years presentation at a meeting, and his lab uses Satellite data that records temperature some distance (100 m?) over the surface of all the world and has that data for decades - and the average(s) have not changed over regions and entire world. You would have to look for that or his other interviews because corp-media or others would not show you him. Him and those like him that have not been pushed-out, unfunded, or other ways they control research results and those that are not driven out .. the reason he and other reliable researchers are allowed and funded is because the powerful elite families need to know the true situation - while they mind-raping us all.
It is likely that he knows not to become too effective or public with his information, not because he in helping those in power, but because he is like you and me and is doing work he is proud of and not hiding it ..
.. not hiding the information, unlike the woman researcher that would not publish the written and ready paper with the data that shows puberty blockers ARE harmful to children - because it would inform us into protecting children and stopping their use, and so result in stopping the abuse and harm that (the typical delusional lying psychotic Sick woman demon-possessed and directed 'professional') supported, and she stated that since a legal case was pending before the SCOTUS that the truth might [would] have been used in, so resulted in less children spending lives twisted and damaged in many ways, and sexual-Sick pedo-women that get-off by mind-raping and destroying the helpless [children's] lives, like most women with children, twisting their lives to one filled with needless suffering, horror, isolation, suicides, and death (as I understand it, who doesn't see it that way!?)
When will we as a society and world - get Clarity on the fact that we all are mind-broken and damaged as intended we be - we were (for generations) raised from crib by those we trusted to accept insanity as normal.
So now most [fatherless raised] men do not think and value as men have always done - needing and seeking Truth, Justice, Order - and considering long-term and other's successes and health are important.
.. and Western women that are University 'educated' and influenced by the Elite Managerial Class, and generations driven from professions, so no men of virtue and old standard values in k-8th grades as teachers or administrators, and the later levels of educational teachers and administrator men silent to the crimes of co-worker women and management's evils because (like no-fault Divorce threat castrated real Fatherhood) not wanting the punishment they know and seen inflicted on men who Stand, the endless torment, repression, abuse from the slimy lying vile Witch-Whisper-Web female-evil that makes every workplace into a Toxic fem-Nazi gonad-crushing hell-hole, up to destruction of livelihood, life, and liberty (False Rape Accusation or such.)
And we see Tenure does not protect men in many cases, except the one woman (protected by Vag-Jew-Card) with gonads to act as men used to and still would if it not clear that Elite managerial Class would destroy them and that almost every every F-ing women near him or in field would turn TRUE - we see the vicious vile lying abusive delusional psychos, so F-ing ugly and dangerous to Joy-Love-Life-Truth-Justice-Order that were they a man most of us would throw them off a building to protect self-others. Like all those divorce-raping wives and the Judges and law-makers .. which 1 out of 10,000 women are not so?
Decent women exist - I knew 3 in my life from their actions (Fruits).
Only 3, to all our Shame! The rest be much like that woman researcher hiding information from us.
Womanhood's Putrid Sickness was not tolerated before birth-control and baby-killing, that nearly all were a Blessing, and as an older child the Sickness was not clear because adults mind-damage had not spread - they were past the point where Sicken mothers started twisting the helpless in crib, or that corp-media could influence, and employers and others know not to threaten and pressure.
The change of vileness and demon-possession became clearest in those women that fell for 3rd wave feminism which I saw and suffered under in late 1980's-1990's at UVM, where women said and acted as if true (maybe believed) that all [white] men were rapist, violent, oppressive, women-abusiver,.. and if not police & courts they would be.
Insanity, and many knew it was not true, but Power was in that unTruth, unJust, disOrdering path (because vile slimy virtueless meritless Sick people act as if they cannot rise without destroying everyone they consider better) and when Womanhood is so Sick that killing our babies is powerfulness, then destroying us and mind-raping other women and children into destroying us is acceptable. After the over 1000 years of white Catholic men and the societies we created ruled the world and brought so much Goodness, that directing women and their active-supporting and profiting women knew in a fair and open 'fight' against men, we would laugh and performance-wise rip their head off, then take them home and love them.
So instead slimy lying disHonorable vileness is clearly used against use trusting caring helping loving men, and in our pain, confusion, suicides, homelessness, poverty, mind-brokenness, .., the damaged powerlessness of manhood from their Female-evil betrayal and treachery, they come-out from hiding and we hear that women and sick men vote for women to be able to torture-to-death silently screaming babies of ours up to right before and during birth on their whim, with the father - if he knows - unable to protect his child with entire Gov stopping him from doing his Duty.
.. so Satan is opening walking the earth, and most Western womanhood is with him and sucking-him.
Before when I said those 3rd wave feminist women 'maybe believed' the False-witness about manhood, and we all shock our heads and thought - well it is clearly untrue as women have eyes-to-see how much men create, support, and are needed for all the Good we and they have - but as we now know that many were fatherless with mothers that lied to them from crib of how the father was abusive and oppressive (and loving her and protecting her and correcting her, and she was a pre-curser delusional psychos we see now, and hate anyone that protects and warns of her vile Sick 'whims'), and those women from crib through life got increasing lies form gov, media, all Captured powers that influence and could reward or punish her.
.. so the putridness, vileness, Piousness, lying, back-stabbing delusional psycho Western womanhood (and Sick men) were Groomed over generations to what they are now. To the point that Clear Reason informs us that if God send a Real pandemic that killed all post menopause women, it would be so sad but we all would Understand within months as Sanity returns, our surety & Faith in a Loving God would grow as Love-Joy-Life-Goodness-Truth-Justice-Order and ability to Hope in a future we would want to raise a huge family in, as that all Becomes.
And those of us that recognize that the forces that twisted Science, all Professions, Groomed our children into Sick women (and men), and also directed genocidal social forces that were killing us and through us - using women to prevent and destroy families of White Christian value-raised indigenous race were still in-play, and if this was today we would look around the world for signs of them - know that we are all [East] Palestinians now.
I reason it would be a good trade to run a risk of 3+ Billions killed in a nuke war to remove them and all those in real power, after all in my lifetime world-wide that many of our babies were tortured to death - that those powerful contrived and wanted sacrificed to Satan, their Master.
.. would you not agree even if you knew it would kill you and those you love? If not, then your dead and those you've already twisted - might all be best dead.
God Bless., Steve