The Transgender Emperor
Democrats are destroying us by forcing everyone to kowtow to the ridiculous
Since boyhood, my favorite fairy tale has been The Emperor’s New Clothes. For those not familiar, here’s the story line (spoiler alert!):
Two con men come to town pretending to be master weavers.
They tell the emperor that they can weave him a suit that is invisible to stupid people.
The emperor is intrigued, as this will allow him to determine which members of his court are incompetent.
The emperor pays the men to weave him this outfit.
The emperor assigns agents to tell him of the progress on his new suit.
These agents observe the con men weaving nothing at all on their looms, as the “weavers” proclaim the beauty of the cloth they’re producing.
Fearing embarrassment, the emperor’s agents report that progress is superb.
Upon being presented with his new outfit, the emperor realizes that he cannot admit that he cannot see it.
Having already arranged a parade in which he would publicly display his new clothes, the emperor proceeds with the ceremony, wearing nothing at all.
Adults in the crowd realize that they cannot state the obvious, for fear of destroying their reputations.
A small boy, too young to be a captive of the lie, proclaims that the emperor is naked.
But it doesn’t matter; everyone must still remain silent, else perhaps suffer even greater consequences than being declared incompetent.
I don’t know why this story was so appealing to me; perhaps I knew back then that I would never someday become a conformist. I don’t recall wondering (as a child) what might have become of the boy; presumably after his parents got him home they instructed him, one way or another, about the dangers of stating the obvious - or as we might now say, speaking truth to power.
Consider another story, that of Adolf Hitler. One of his astounding traits was his transparency; he publicly announced what he was going to do before he did it. During the 1920s he wrote a book (“Mein Kampf”) describing, among other things, the methods he would use to take power in the 1930s. He even laid out the trick by which he would deceive the public into following him:
In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
To put it simply: when you lie, make the lie so preposterous that anyone challenging you is implicitly impugning you for being stupid enough to say such a thing. It is perhaps the cleverest of psychological tricks: publicly say things so utterly absurd that anyone contradicting you can be maligned as a cruel critic: when someone points out your Big Lie, that person is also implicitly attacking you, thereby appearing to be a nasty person without your even having bothered to respond.
The Big Lie is a cost-effective censorship method; when used by powerful people it imposes self-censorship, also known as political correctness. Paraphrasing Theodore Dalrymple:
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. The purpose of communist propaganda is neither to inform nor to persuade, but to HUMILIATE; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent while being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose their sense of integrity. To assent to obvious lies is to become evil oneself; one's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. Political correctness has the same effect.”
It's one thing to spend enormous sums creating vast agencies tasked with shutting down your critics; it’s quite another to train your subordinates to censor themselves. Better yet is to have your subordinates censor each other.
The lie of the century (so far)
Which brings us to transgenderism, clearly the most obnoxious of our current crop of big lies. As with the naked emperor, you don’t need much intelligence to realize that there are no procedures by which males can be converted into females or vice-versa; the concept is so patently ridiculous that you cannot avoid insulting believers when contradicting them.
The few who do stand up, those who state the obvious, are predictably lambasted as cruel and insensitive monsters. The few of us who don’t mind being attacked are forced to spend our time explaining the obvious to the cowardly fools around us:
Selina Soule, one of the few people with the discipline to truly excel at whatever she loves, must instead waste her time telling morons why girls can’t compete against boys: The End of Women's Sports | PragerU
Ditto for Riley Gaines | Joe Rogan
Ordinary people now must explain why it is a bad idea to have boys in girls’ locker rooms, and they must file lawsuits to restore their right to say this.
The absurdities are so in-your-face that they make a mockery of our entire society:
We now have sitting on the Supreme Court a “woman” (strangely enough) who would have us believe that she is competent to judge weighty and complex legal issues, who intoned during her nomination process that one must be a biologist in order to determine what a “woman” is.
Dr. Rachel Levine, an obese man who imagines himself a woman, is both a four-star admiral and the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health.
Senior military leaders claim that some of the best candidates for military service are people whose minds and bodies are probably unfit for any sort of service, much less for working within a military infrastructure designed to accommodate only males and females.
Your local library and your local city are probably hosting Drag Queen Story Hour and public Drag Queen shows, apparently in a deliberate attempt to confuse children about sex and gender even before they are aware of the concepts; strangely no other category of “performer” seems to enjoy this level of support.
In Spain, and probably soon here, military men can switch genders by simply filling out some paperwork in order to gain the greater benefits offered to “women”.
Male prisoners seeking female rape victims need only declare themselves women in order to be transferred to women’s prisons.
Girls are being routinely defeated and injured in women’s sports; teams that decline to participate in this travesty are punished.
Unbeknownst to most parents, their public schools nationwide are grooming children to engage in transgender self-destruction.
Much of our medical profession appears to have been converted into a one-way street leading to an inevitable destination: I Pretended To Be ‘Nonbinary’ To Expose a Medical Scandal at Kaiser Permanente.
It is now becoming a criminal offense to state the obvious.
This list could go on and on. I’m sure you can find more on your own.
Why not just be tolerant?
A reasonable person might ask why we shouldn’t just tolerate gender-dysphoric people. Why can’t we humor them and be polite? What is the point of irritating them with realities that they are intent on denying?
If this were just a matter of tolerating the tiny group of people who were formerly and inexplicably suffering from the illusion that they are in the “wrong body”, this attitude might be reasonable. But this is not about being reasonable. This is about a massive industry that has weaponized itself to conscript your child and to disempower and imprison you for objecting.
The explosion of “gender transitions” over the past decade is simply too large a subject to cover here, so I’ll instead provide you some avenues to pursue. Some of these are videos of purveyors of “transgender” services in their own words, while others are the stories of people who discovered too late what had been done to themselves or their children by their school and medical authorities:
Project Veritas videos of educational and industry insiders working to convince your children (while they’re at school) that they’re “trans”: Search | Project Veritas
'My Childhood Was RUINED:' Detransitioner Chloe Cole
How Erin Friday Saved Her Daughter from the Transgender Cult
My Daughter's School Transitioned Her WITHOUT Telling Me - January Littlejohn
Who we’re up against
There is nothing accidental or even recent about the avalanche of transgenderism engulfing us. Our institutions have been systematically infiltrated to the point where we must look hard to find places where some aspect of transgenderism isn’t blatantly in our faces. An enterprise of this enormity must have required the support of at least one major political party, a party with the power to quietly funnel unfathomable amounts money into transforming our society.
Big lies are most convincing when they’re told by the best liars, and the world’s best liars are what we call psychopaths. Read about them here: “Without Conscience”: A Book That Changed My Life. So, who are the psychopaths selling us on transgenderism? We would do well to look at people who are in our faces on TV every day, people whose job it is to look into the camera and lie with utmost sincerity. Those would include politicians and newscasters.
The Democratic Party is the vanguard of the transgender movement. Nationally and in every state, Democrat presidents, governors, and legislators do the following:
Via their union control of the public schools (think NEA and AFT), Democrats control the pro-transgender curricula and policies that have swept through their public schools over the past decade:
their schools coerce students into transgender identities by replacing traditional curricula with pro-transgender propaganda;
their schools indoctrinate their staff, making pro-transgender fealty a condition of employment;
their schools regard concerned parents as enemies;
their schools induce children to view their parents as enemies.
Democrats funnel what must be hundreds of millions of dollars annually to organizations promoting transgenderism.
Democrats enact legislation empowering the schools and the states to remove children from the custody of uncooperative parents.
Democrats are making their states into “sanctuaries” in which dysphoric children can escape the control of their parents and where medical practitioners are immune from prosecution for violating laws of a child’s home state.
Democrats enact legislation that adds “transgender” to the list of “protected classes” against which one may neither speak nor discriminate.
Democrats enact “hate speech” and “hate crime” legislation that increasingly makes it illegal to say or do anything contradicting the “transgender” narrative.
Via their propaganda outlets, including essentially all mainstream and “public” media, Democrats regale the public daily, no hourly, with agitprop designed to extol those who go with their “transgender” flow and demonize those who don’t.
How Democrats got so many medical associations on board with this is beyond me. It is unfathomable how professionals who I imagined believed in a philosophy of “first do no harm” now perform irreversible chemical injections and surgeries on children who aren’t old enough to think clearly about almost anything. This appears to be part of the Democrats’ much larger plan to condition our society and to set legal precedents for treating children as adults, leaving children who are incapable of making rational decisions at the mercy of predatory persons and organizations, especially sexual predators. Their program, little known to the public, is called “Consent Education”, but that is a topic for another article.
Transgenderism is one of the Democrats’ social justice hoaxes, their tools for carving up the country into aggrieved groups who perceive themselves as victims, groups who become part of the Democrats’ voting coalition. Until more of us recognize the Democratic Party as a cancerous affliction that is well on its way to destroying us, we can expect transgenderism to accelerate.
Where is this going?
Our nation is in the grip of a political party that forces us to take marching orders from children and from the mentally ill. There is of course no end to this. As the Carpenters once sang, “We’ve only just begun”. What’s next?
We now have articles like this one, “What are 'furries?' Debunking myths about kids identifying as animals”, assuring us that there’s nothing wrong with the emerging phenomenon of kids dressing and behaving as animals. The article discredits people who find this disturbing, saying that “misinformation is pervasive”. There’s even a group of professors who’ve established the discipline of “Furscience”, apparently dedicated to normalizing this. Your spell checker might not like “Furscience” quite yet, but expect it to be in the dictionary soon. Also soon: expect “furries” to be a “protected class”, defended from all manner of discrimination by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Where’s the economic opportunity here? Imagine the delight of our medical profession at the prospect of chopping off the bottom halves of furries’ “hind legs” in order to fashion them into more convincing four-legged creatures, and let’s not forget the whole business of attaching tails to such former humans.
How about people who imagine themselves as royalty? It’s already been tried – as a joke. When asked by the University of Michigan to choose his “pronouns”, a student named Grant Strobl specified “His Majesty”. With this simple action he became a minor celebrity, the object of scorn in the left-wing press - you know, the same folks who, like the august University of Michigan, insist that it is perfectly reasonable that you should be required by policy and by law to keep a mental catalog of absolutely everyone else’s preferred pronouns, whatever they might be.
Imagine the commander of the Space Force soon insisting that his/her/its best candidates for military service are people whose legs have been chopped off at the knee, or who wear royal robes and crowns and demand that everyone in his/her/its presence bow to him/her/it. Imagine yourself going to jail for failing to provide doggie treats at the insistence of someone wearing a dog mask. Does this sound utterly insane? What would you have said a mere ten years ago about boys’ presence in girls’ locker rooms being mandated by law? With Democrats, today’s insanity is always tomorrow’s reality.
Where does this end?
Our public schools, or more accurately “government schools”, are now fully predatory agencies seeking to convince as many children as possible that they should change genders. If you believe otherwise, I suggest you carefully watch these two videos in their entirety (these are repetitions of links above):
How Erin Friday Saved Her Daughter from the Transgender Cult
My Daughter's School Transitioned Her WITHOUT Telling Me - January Littlejohn
“Transgenderism” has become an enormous industry built on a series of utterly preposterous Big Lies. From the idea that puberty blockers are harmless and reversible to the idea that you must choose between having a gender-flipped child and a dead child, it is clear that a huge segment of our medical industry has been taken over by people who are either psychopaths or who themselves are mentally ill enough to believe their own rhetoric.
Where does this end? For your family, at least, it ends when you remove your children from the deadly influences that surround them:
Get your kids out of the public schools. No public school in any city in any state is safe. Every day that your kid is in a public school is another day’s worth of indoctrination that you must undo. This doesn’t mean that you can necessarily trust a private school; check out any prospective school thoroughly. Home schooling, of course, is fully under your control.
Get your kids off of social media, especially TikTok. ALL mainstream social media platforms are run by active transgenderism promoters. ALL mainstream social media sites remove critics for speaking against transgenderism. ALL mainstream social media are full of transgender groomers and recruiters. Watch this video to understand the power of social media over your kids, and the irreversibility of the damage: DETRANS | Full Documentary
Become a single-income family. Democrat “feminists” have spent generations convincing women that raising their own children is somehow beneath them, and that women should have their attention focused instead on corporate careers. Could it be that this was all in preparation for taking full control of your children without you noticing? Note that the two videos linked above feature full-time moms who were active volunteers at the schools their kids attended. If even they didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late, what chance do you have? Parenting is a full-time job with plenty of overtime. Kids need a full-time parent. Be sure your kids have one.
Whether you have kids or not, you will ultimately bear the cost of this travesty. There are enterprising lawyers who understand the potential here. I predict coming waves of class-action lawsuits against the medical industry, for malfeasance in both “transgenderism” and in COVID treatment. These lawsuits will leave entire systems of hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies bankrupt. The public will not tolerate the closure of so many medical providers, and so there will be a bailout. And guess who will pay for that?
When does this end? We live in an increasingly insane country that is increasingly run by a political party that is clearly controlled by our foreign enemies. We are engaged in a new kind of war fought not with guns and tanks but with money - money stuffed into the bank accounts of institutions that we imagine are here to protect us, but increasingly are incentivized to destroy us. We will either wake up fast, or, ultimately, some morning soon, we won’t wake up at all.
==== ADDENDUM OF 3/14/24
Recent pronouncements of the Biden administration, within the context of the Big Transgender Lie, suggest that something nasty is coming. Recall that:
The purpose of political correctness is neither to inform nor to persuade, but to HUMILIATE; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent while being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose their sense of integrity; one's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.
The Biden administration is heavily focused on inflicting such humiliation upon the U.S. military:
According to, our military is spending millions per year “treating” troops for gender dysphoria (i.e. performing ”transgender” surgeries), plus more on psychotherapy. As of 2021 there were already almost 15,000 “transgender” troops, a number that has probably increased vastly since then with the encouragement of the Biden administration. At this point, probably over 1% of our entire military (population ≈ 2 million) is now classified “transgender”.
Nobody discusses the practical difficulties of accommodating such people within facilities and systems that were originally and rationally designed to handle only men and women. Nobody discusses the effectiveness of troops having this serious mental disorder, many of whom have been disfigured via major surgeries that are known to induce serious ongoing health problems that require constant maintenance.
Nobody knows the effects of constantly inflicting ritual humiliation upon “normal” troops who are constantly forced to subscribe to this Big Lie. Nobody understands the reduction in effectiveness of troops who must serve under military leaders who they perceive to be mentally ill.
The Democrats’ mainstream propaganda outlets have been on a rampage demonizing a media fabrication that they call “Christian Nationalism”. There are now hundreds of articles and videos on this subject. The propagandists who bother to define this term say it is the desire to “put God into government”, as (for example) the BBC claims. Never mind that almost all the founders of the USA would fit this description. This media campaign, together with Biden’s repeated pronouncements that “white supremacy” is the greatest domestic threat to the USA, seem designed to convince low-information voters that the USA has suddenly been set upon by a plague of neo-Nazis.
This hysterical agitprop, together with the radical “transgenderizing” of the military, suggests that something is afoot. Some kind of purge is coming, and it’s not going to be led by neo-Nazis. It will be led by the neo-Communists, otherwise known as Democrats.
==== ADDENDUM OF 3/19/24
If you think any of this is an exaggeration, think again. Let’s hope you never need counseling or serious mental therapy, because our psychotherapy profession is now completely insane:
· Trans, Racist & Woke: How Psychology Went MAD (teaser)
· Trans, Racist & Woke: How Psychology Went MAD (full show)
==== ADDENDUM OF 3/24/24
Here is a profoundly interesting confession by a lesbian "mom" of two boys. Especially interesting is her discussion about how her involvement in Marxist lunacy got her into the "transgender" cult. The elephant-in-the-room that's NOT mentioned here is the advisability of trying to raise children, particularly sons, in a household with no male role model, a topic that obviously also applies to single women raising children:
This woman’s revelation of her therapist’s insanity ties in with the above video regarding the psychology profession. The lunatics now truly run the asylum.
Excellent discussion of tranniemadness.
Most unsound overdose of liberal insanity ever to be illustrated 🤮