Thanks Diane Gruber (https://dianelgruber.substack.com/) for cross-posting. I am sending this article to every state senator and every state house rep in each of the 22 states with Republican trifectas. I've already done Texas, one of the largest. Assembling the contact info for Texas took me about three hours. If anyone wants to volunteer to help me create spreadsheets from the other state governments' online lists of senators and reps, please respond here. All I need is a couple hours of your time to do one state. Thanks!

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Convince the migrants to be Constitutionalists. They're Christians, and Democrats are anti-Christ. They have morals, Democrats don't. They don't believe in pedophilia or sexualizing children; Democrats do. It shouldn't be hard to convince them if the RNC cleans up its own corruption and bans the RINOs.

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We can't convince the migrants of anything unless they are under our physical control. NYC mayor Eric Adams and NY governor Kathy Hochul are, I assure you, not going to help us out with this.

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Sounds good on internet. I doubt any republican except a few will think that far ahead. It’s been two years of this crap and what have we heard from our republican brethren…talky-talk! Just got a message from a republicans congressman this morning. He was patting himself on the back for the bill they just passed to reverse the migrant flow. That’s what they do, pass bills which go nowhere. Then go in the record as a hero proposing it. How stupid do these dolts think we are!!!

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Unfortunately you're correct. The only reason we've gotten to this point is the complacency and stupidity of Republicans who don't seem to realize we're being eaten alive. Nonetheless, I'm in the middle of sending a email letter referencing this article to all Republican state senators and state reps in all 22 Republican trifecta states. I could use some help getting their contact info into spreadsheets. I've already done Texas, which is huge, and it took me about 3 hours. If you have any interest in spreading this message, I have 21 more to do. Thanks.

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terrible article.

Secession for the sake of being more dem than the dems? NO ONE WANTS THIS GIMMIGRANT TRASH

A Coalition of the States should be as a strike: it should saber-rattle & obstruct and even act on its own accord by a series of fait accomplis, until either the gov. accedes to its demands or accepts in law what is already fact and cuts off immigration (among other things).

The question is capturing a strong enough vantage point for negotiations: the middle states do have an awful lot of arable land/nat resources, and nukes however...

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And then here is my "coalition of states": Republicans must form a CONGRESS OF REPUBLICAN STATES: If we don’t start using our dwindling power soon, it will all be gone: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/republicans-must-form-a-congress

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I am not recommending secession. It's about acting in concert to do things that no state could afford to do alone. And under our current system of surrender we are still getting the immigrants, but we have no control over them. First one must understand the political force behind this, which explains why we can't just say "no" and expect to win: Who Is Really Behind Our Illegal Immigration? https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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The huge problem you’re not seeing is most of these people are military age men that are hard core criminals- the children are being smuggled for sex and labor trafficking! So our violent crime kidnapping-/ rape of adults and children and murder will largely be happening in our cities! They should not be coming in at all!!!!

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Obviously 5000 new aliens per day are not going to be housed in the cities of almost-empty states like Wyoming. That's why inter-state financing and cooperation are essential. Our 22 states must collectively finance the construction of enormous, widely distributed living facilities until such time as Democrats realize what we're doing and seal the border themselves. Too expensive, you say? What about the expense of the coming 100% Democrat-controlled socialist dictatorship?

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You do not compromise with evil.

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I'm not talking about compromising anything. My point is that we either take control or we continue to have zero control while crying loudly and stamping our feet.

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Well then that is all the more reason why Republicans take control of them, first to monitor them and then to arrest, try, and imprison them, presumably in a vast new prison system to be built in solidly Republican-contrilled states. Every time someone objects to my plan I see the same thing, which is this implicit defense of the status quo, which leaves Democrats in total control of the situation. It is preposterous to assume that Democrats don't know who they're importing and that they aren't doing all this purposely. So your proposal to fix all this is ... what?

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You are coming at this subject from an admittedly optimistic but completely wrongheaded position.

These are NOT the entrepreneurs of their former societies. They are, as already has been proven, the DREGS of their former homes. Some of them are actually known felons, having been given their liberty on the condition of getting the hell out of Dodge and going to the US.

Proof of this can be seen on the streets and police station lobbies of any "sanctuary city". Do you honestly think the entrepreneurs and intelligentsia of the developing world would consign themselves to sleeping on sidewalks and in doorways, existing off the benevolence and guilt of others, making absolutely no moves to seek gainful employment, provide a service, or even learn the language of the country they've decided to invade? No, these people are PLACEHOLDERS and ASSET DRAINS.

Another misguided tenet you espouse is the neverending largesse of a working national populace. Benefits? Tuition? Where do you think all that money comes from? And if you say "from the government," I swear to God I will slap the taste out of your mouth. How long do you think the long-suffering working slobs of this country will put up with your continued theft, especially when they see you taking jobs from them and giving them to unrepentant criminals, who broke the law simply by coming here, and who have no compunction against doing it again (and again and again and again) if it means the continuation of getting everything for nothing?

The last point at which you are severely misguided is the concept that these people are somehow struggling through the jungles of Central America in flip-flops and tank tops, arriving at every photo op wearing clean clothes, washed, fresh, and carrying the latest cell phone instead of a grubby, screaming toddler. NO WAY IN HELL these people are walking hundreds or thousands of miles in gear like that, no provisions, no environmental protection, coming in well-fed and, in many cases, frankly corpulent. They are being TRANSPORTED, by the very government you trust to protect you from outside invaders, not deliver those invaders to your doorstep!

Brother, get your head out to fresh air and look around- it's not a "migrant crisis", IT'S AN INVASION.

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Regarding this being an invasion ... well if that's so then it's an invasion being facilitated by the American business community. That's not a conjecture of mine; they are saying it out loud to those who bother to listen. The invasion is happing because some of the largest businesses in the USA are facilitating it. The question is: which political party will control this labor force? READ: "Who Is Really Behind Our Illegal Immigration?" https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/who-is-really-behind-our-illegal

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I made no statements about how these people got here. I have no illusions about all of them being wonderful future citizens. However I believe it is safe to guess that most of them are motivated by self-interest and are not foreign agents of some sort. I also doubt that most of them are criminals. But in any event ... none of this changes the reality that everyone ignores, which is that EITHER WE ARE GOING TO CONTROL THE SITUATION or DEMOCRATS WILL. Right now the Democrats are in total control, and so long as we continue our current policy of letting Democrats decide who goes where, they will remain in control. I am much more fearful of the Democrat leadership than I am of anyone who is crossing our border.

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