In 2023, Minnesota passed a law under which illegal aliens will be issued drivers’ licenses. While the bill was under consideration, the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce weighed in, fully supporting the measure, saying:
“Minnesota employers rely on immigrant workers to serve their customers and produce the variety of products and services we use and enjoy. To do this safely, workers should complete drivers’ license training, testing and licensing requirements, including securing insurance.”
It fascinates me that the Minnesota business community can be so completely open about its active participation in criminal activity without anyone even talking about it. Entering the USA illegally is a misdemeanor, and doing it more than once is a felony. It would seem then that the executives of any company employing illegal aliens could easily be convicted of misdemeanors or felonies themselves, and probably most of them, if properly indicted and convicted, could serve jail time. The Minnesota Chamber’s letter is a collective admission of guilt by some of the most powerful people in the state, and yet this reality is not interesting enough to inspire more than a passing mention on the evening news, as though nothing were amiss.
So: who would the members of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce be? Well, the chamber doesn’t seem to present a list. Instead, on its “members” page it presents this pie chart:
Unfortunately this graph doesn’t tell much about who controls the Chamber. At first glance one would think that Professional Services would dominate, but then we realize that this segment is probably populated by small companies, possibly even some one-person CPA firms. The chart is misleading because it is not weighted by company size.
We have these tiny slices:
1% for agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining,
3% for transportation,
7% for construction, and
7% for hospitality and retail,
probably collectively representing the lion’s share of actual revenue, all of which hire large numbers of low-skilled workers. Add in the 28% for manufacturing and we have 52% of the total pie above, but probably closer to 90% of all business conducted in the state. So when the Chamber speaks, we can be pretty sure that it speaks on behalf of huge industries that hire vast number of illegal aliens.
Let’s instead look at the large revenue generators. According to Wikipedia, among the top ten Minnesota private companies in 2007 were:
#1: Cargill / Farm Products / $108B / 131K employees
#2: Carlson / Travel and Lodging / $38B / 170K employees
#3: Schwan Food Co. / Dairy Products / $3B / 17K employees
I could bore you with more of this list, but instead I’ll just say that nine of the top ten are in food production, manufacturing, heavy construction, and retail. In all of these companies, unskilled labor is probably the vast majority of the headcount, either directly or indirectly via subcontractors.
Among the top ten public companies (no employee counts are available here) are:
#2: Target / $63B / Retail
#3: Best Buy / $47B / Retail
#4: Supervalu (now “Unfi”) / $41B / Retail & Food Distribution
#5: 3M / $27B / Manufacturing
#6: CHS Inc / $25B / Fuel Distribution
#8: General Mills / $15B / Food Processing
#9: Land O’ Lakes / $11B / Dairy Products
Are you starting to get the picture? These Minnesota businesses are probably reasonably representative of all U.S. business. Our reality is that the USA has an enormous demand for super-cheap, unskilled labor.
Intentional Failure of Immigration Legislation
The obvious question: if American business is behind the demand for all this illegal immigration, why can’t we just make the immigration legal? Congress has been deadlocked for decades on this issue, and there seems to be no thaw in sight. Why? There is only one rational explanation: American business prefers illegal aliens. Business leaders don’t want a solution. Our corporations intend to keep their illegal workforces illegal. The reason is simple: illegal aliens work under constant threat of deportation, which means that out of fear they cannot demand:
higher wages,
Illegal aliens cannot unionize, protest, prosecute abusive employers, or engage in other behaviors of American citizens. Additionally:
really clever companies - subcontractors to the big boys, I would guess - don’t have to bother paying payroll taxes, and
employees of such companies can subsist on lower pay, since they aren’t paying income taxes.
American business wants things exactly as they are. If Congress were to pass any reasonable immigration legislation, a lot of corporate executives would lose a lot of income and possibly some fringe benefits (how many CEOs and board members visit their factories for some after-hours playtime with employees, especially women, who cannot afford to say “no?”).
So if you’ve been wondering where all the illegal immigrants go, there’s your answer. And if you’ve pondered why we can’t make all this immigration legal, well there’s a plausible explanation. If you’ve been puzzled about who’s been brainwashing you to use the term “undocumented immigrant” rather than “illegal alien,” as if the lack of documentation were a clerical error, well now you know that too. If you couldn’t imagine how “open borders” Biden remains in office and escapes impeachment, well now that’s another no-brainer. Oh yes, and if you’ve been wondering why our federal agencies don’t seem particularly concerned over the tens of thousands of annual deaths from the fentanyl that’s crossing our border along with the aliens, well now you’ve got a grip on that too.
Brainwashing us into permanent hegemony
Corporate America has done a good job conscripting the Left, including Democrat leadership, into its propaganda machine. Businesses depict their violations of our immigration laws as a civil rights issue, yet another of the Democrats’ endless “social justice” causes, but they don’t do it themselves. Instead, they enlist your wanna-be-hippie communistic urban Democrat neighbors, who are out there plugging for more of this. As usual, they are merely useful idiots who never seem to grasp that real “justice” would require an immigration system that admits immigrants legally. Instead, they buy into the absurdity and cruelty of Biden’s open border, imagining that there is something compassionate about screwing people under threat of deportation, and never imagining that they themselves are carrying water for the capitalists that they claim to despise.
Our new illegal-alien drivers’ licenses are a win-win for both the Minnesota corporations and the Democrats who passed this legislation for them. Formerly, Minnesota Democrats relied on a preposterous election law called “vouch for eight,” under which anybody can waltz (or should we say Walz) into a polling place on election day with eight “friends,” simply claim that their friends live at some given address within the precinct, and register them to vote immediately, after which the friends could vote with irretrievable ballots. With these new drivers’ licenses, which are indistinguishable from citizens’ licenses, Democrats no longer need to bother with the “vouch for eight” rigmarole. How could things get any better?
What will our political leaders do when the extent of the illegal-alien voting becomes obvious - say, when the number of votes cast in Minnesota exceeds the number of adult citizens? Well then, we’ll need a new propaganda campaign, one to assure us that it’s our moral responsibility to grant non-citizens the right to vote. After all, with a public that’s vapid enough to buy into the idea of issuing legal entitlements (i.e. licenses) to people whose very presence here is illegal, and who can’t grasp why our political and business leaders never manage to legalize this immigration, we can be pretty sure that our populace can be convinced of literally anything. I’m also pretty sure that the Minnesota Democrats and their friends at the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce are working on their upcoming “Undocumented Voting Rights” campaign at this very moment. Mark my words.
What’s a Republican to Do?
Tolerance of illegal immigration is obviously a bipartisan thing. There are more farms and slaughterhouses in “red” counties than in “blue” ones, and the political leaders in those counties must certainly be in bed with their own major local employers, otherwise they wouldn’t be in office. So how do we get out of this?
If there is some principled core of the Republican Party, then that core must devise a national strategy that can go up against the likes of Cargill and ADM. No county or even state authority would survive such a confrontation, but a coordinated effort of Republican states would involve so many of such companies’ assets that they’d need to sit down at the table and start bargaining. Here’s how we could get this ball rolling:
How would a Congress of Republican States solve the immigration problem, especially with enemies in the federal government and in our federal agencies? The Republican states must start by beating the Democrats at their own game. We cannot influence illegal immigration if we have no control over illegal aliens. It’s time we stopped complaining about the Democrats’ lawlessness and instead adopt their winning strategies:
Even though Democrats have fewer trifecta states than we do, they are the only ones making effective, coordinated use of such states. If Republicans don’t wake up soon and start emulating them, the game is over.
==== ADDENDUM OF 7/17/23
A reader named “Incel Theory” posted a comment saying that my criticism of Leftists marching at immigration rallies was:
Not accurate. In the very photo you posted under this they are carrying a sign that reads, "No Human Being Is Illegal." They don't want them to remain illegal and under threat of deportation.
After reading this, I realized that I had not spent enough time discussing the industrial manipulation of public perception.
Industries that hire illegal aliens have two objectives:
maintaining the flood of aliens crossing our border, and
keeping those aliens illegal, so that they can be exploited individually under threat of deportation.
In the pursuit of these, industry brainwashes the public with the following ideas:
Millions of people crossing our borders illegally is OK.
You are a bad person if you contemplate the legal status of these aliens or think about what happens to them once they’re here.
In order to convey #1, American industry has mounted a propaganda campaign that included:
Getting AOC to stand near a chain-link fence and pretend to be upset about children being separated from accompanying adults (who may or may not be the children’s relatives), as required by law.
Producing the “No Human Is Illegal” slogan to sway public opinion in favor of illegal immigration. (The fact that the slogan is nonsensical makes it all the better. Nobody is claiming that humans are illegal; it’s their presence here that’s illegal).
Getting protesters to carry signs bearing the “No Human Is Illegal” banner.
Demonizing then-president Trump as a racist for daring to cut off our industries’ low-cost worker supply.
Conservatives still wonder how it was possible for the entire American media machine to demonize Trump for four years. This is not a tough problem. Consider that the media are controlled by their advertisers, and their advertisers are companies in industries like these:
food distribution,
need I continue?
Note that the media’s humanitarian narrative focuses on immigration in the aggregate (see #1 in my list above). The media rarely discuss what happens to these individuals once they’re here (see #2). Your local TV talking heads are not visiting the facilities of their local sponsors and decrying:
working conditions,
low pay,
how it seems impossible to run payroll (particularly payment and reporting of taxes) on people who have neither work visas nor valid social security numbers.
It perplexes me that Donald Trump, despite having spent much of his professional life as a leader in construction, doesn’t seem to realize that he’s up against much if not most of American industry. Certainly he knows that businesses hiring illegal aliens cannot afford:
a president who enforces our immigration laws, and
legalization of the importation of the immigrants that those businesses exploit.
Donald Trump is unelectable, regardless of how many people vote for him in 2024. American industry cannot afford a president who publicizes our immigration clown show or who enforces immigration law. That’s why Joe Biden, who didn’t even bother campaigning in 2020, is sitting in the Oval Office. Our business community will see to it, one way or another, that Trump never darkens the door of the White House again.
The useful idiots of the Left never seem to realize that they're being used. I keep thinking that they'll wake up some day and notice that the Chamber of Commerce, our government agencies, and the corporate-sponsored media are all singing their song. Maybe it will dawn on them that there consequently can’t be anything hip or revolutionary about what they're doing. It might occur to them that they were trained by corporate globalists to despise the one political outsider, the first guy not beholden to anyone, to ever occupy the White House. Perhaps they will eventually grasp that immigration laws exist to prevent the exploitation of immigrants, and that enforcing them is an act of both integrity and compassion. But I’m not holding my breath.
The reason you're no longer allowed to say "illegal alien" has nothing to do with anyone being kind-hearted or respectful. The real reason is that the psychopaths running this operation (and their media stooges) don't want you constantly reminding everyone that they, as illegal employers of illegal aliens, are themselves criminals.
With a Driver's License, they can register to VOTE! Biden already said he wants illegals to be able to vote. During the Obama administration, Biden went to Mexico and paid for signs telling Mexicans where to go to get free stuff when they got into the US. I saw the signs. They existed then and probably still do.
In Laredo, Mexican nationals flood across the border every day to shop at Walmart and then go home. With Democrat policies, they can flood across the border, vote a bunch of times, and then go home. Addresses are not checked on voter registration. In 2012 a woman registered to vote giving my ID, and I fould out by accident and called the Supv of Elections who told me it was the stranger's word against mine that she didn't live in my house! Democrats. They do not care about the country. They care about turning it into a totalitarian state.
"how it seems impossible to run payroll (particularly payment and reporting of taxes) on people who have neither work visas nor valid social security numbers."
I don't know about that. My "illegal" neighbor pays taxes. I'll have to ask her about the "legalities" of it. I remember wondering how that worked when she first told me.