There’s nothing crazy about the Democrats’ agenda
Every Democrat policy is designed to build the party’s voting coalition
A lot of us have gotten the feeling that we’ve gone through Alice’s looking glass and are now in a world where literally nothing makes sense. A tidal wave of Democrat Party insanity seems to have engulfed us. Here’s a short list:
transgender derangement everywhere,
open advocacy of Satanism and fetishism by formerly revered institutions,
Some of these are new, while others are radical expansions of madness that has been going on for decades. We seem engulfed in a tornado of insanity. A lot of rational people are confused. We shouldn’t be. Actually, it all makes perfect sense.
How did we get here?
To understand what Democrats are doing today, we must understand the history of their party. Please bear with me.
The Democratic Party is by far the oldest political party in the USA. Prior to 1965, it was almost completely dominant in the Old South, both before and after the Civil War. A review of electoral maps since its founding in 1828 shows the Democratic Party’s dominance in the Confederate states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas) and the non-Confederate slave states (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri). Here are the pre-war electoral maps (Democrats in blue):
The Republican Party was created in 1854 for the purpose of preventing the Democratic Party from admitting new territories into the USA as slave states. By 1860, the Republican/Democrat voting divide defined the boundaries between slave states and free states. In essence, the Democrats were the Confederacy.
Just after the Civil War, during “Reconstruction”, Confederate states initially voted Republican (presumably due to most of their populations’ disinclination to vote in elections sponsored by the North), but voting habits gradually returned to pre-war norms:
By the end of the Grant presidency in 1877, Reconstruction had been abandoned as a failed effort. Northerners had come to understand that there was simply no controlling the Old South, which continued voting almost continuously Democrat up through 1960:
Few presidential voting patterns are as obvious and durable as the slave states’ adherence to the Democratic Party and other states’ disdain for it up through 1960. But there were four remarkable exceptions:
Woodrow Wilson: elected and reelected in 1912 and 1916, following the financial panic of 1907 (and Taft’s embattled presidency), and continuing through WW1;
FDR: elected 1932 through 1944, following the financial panic of 1929, continuing through WW2;
Truman: elected 1948 as the VP successor of FDR,
LBJ: elected 1964 as the VP successor of JFK.
During each of these periods, the nation produced Democrat landslides in response to either financial panics, continuity during war, or VP succession of a Democrat president who died in office. The pattern was clear: either the Democrats would remain true to their hardcore Confederate base and remain a nearly perpetual underdog in national elections, or they could take note of the one thing that could make them into nationwide winners.
Socialists find their niche
Socialism and communism have always been hard sells in the USA. Unlike in pre-Soviet Russia and pre-Maoist China, the peasants here are too rich; they’ve seen the power of capitalism and they like it. As naïve as the average American might be, he’s not ignorant enough to imagine that some benevolent communist dictator, once assuming power, will spend his time evenly distributing the increasingly nonexistent wealth.
During the early 20th Century, U.S. socialists and communists formed political parties and ran candidates in elections, to little success. In the USA, almost all offices held by such parties have been low-level positions: aldermen, mayors, sheriffs, and such. But by 1935, something had become apparent: socialists could win national elections and install a President of the USA by simply running as Democrats during periods following financial panics.
My theory is that during FDR’s first term, two seismic events occurred:
Democrat leaders realized that there was no future in remaining the party of the Confederacy, and
socialists realized that their future success lay in running as Democrats.
To get some sense of how deeply American communists and socialists embedded themselves into the Democratic Party in the early twentieth century, watch these:
This change also involved totally abandoning the Democrat Party’s stronghold of racially-motivated White southerners, as evidenced by the radical party change in Congressional Blacks:
Before 1935, every Black member of Congress had run as a Republican: this included:
41 terms in the U.S. House served by 29 different Blacks
and four terms in the U.S. Senate served by two different Blacks.
But since 1935, almost every Black member of Congress has run as a Democrat.
Following FDR’s first term Democrats had obviously and quietly:
formed a coalition with the socialists and communists, and also
adopted a racial coalition strategy.
There was no turning back.
The Rainbow Coalition
There is only one large Republican-voting bloc in the USA, and that is White people. White people’s voting habits are hard to change, so the logical solution for Democrats is to conscript everyone else. The Democratic Party’s core strategy is to galvanize non-Whites against White people:
In his 2021 inaugural address, Joe Biden made a point of announcing that we are facing “a rise in political extremism, White supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.” This was neither the first nor would it be the last time Biden and his peers at the top of his party would allude to the dangers of “White supremacy” and “White supremacists”. And just who are these supremacists? Well, according to the Democrats’ good friends at NPR, “There Is No Neutral: Nice White People Can Still Be Complicit In A Racist Society”. You don’t need a degree in formal logic to put 2+2 together. They’re talking about ALL White people. In his video, The Desperate Search For White Supremacists, Jared Taylor points out how ludicrously fictitious Biden’s supremacists are. But of course, fictitiousness makes little difference to Biden’s low-information audience.
So let’s take a look at the Rainbow Coalition’s core: Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians.
It seems strange that in 1984 Jesse Jackson Jr. attached his Rainbow Coalition to the Democratic Party, given that Democrats had spent over a century enslaving and persecuting Blacks. After all, MLK’s famous 1965 Selma march had been held in … well, Selma, Alabama, in the heart of the Dixie Democrat South. The purpose of the march was to win voting rights for Blacks there. Alabama’s governor was avid Democrat segregationist George Wallace. Why, almost 20 years later, would Jesse Jackson, who had participated in MLK’s Selma march, seek the Democrat Party’s nomination for president?
Why didn’t Jackson instead join the Republicans, who had spent much of the 20th century putting Blacks in positions of political power? Perhaps he realized that Democrats were now the true American socialist party, and that his followers had the best chance of getting handouts from socialists. In any event, by 1984 the Democrats’ “Welcome Blacks” mat was out, and although Jackson didn’t win the nomination, Blacks and their Rainbow Coalition were in.
In a 2021 address to Congress, Biden said “the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from White supremacist terrorism”. Biden’s Black voters, along with many of his White ones, believe his insane rants; they imagine gangs of KKK-like Whites prowling the streets hunting down Blacks, just like in the days of the Democrat-run KKK south. It is a testimony to Democrat voters’ phenomenal ignorance that Biden can get away with this.
Considering that
in the year preceding Biden’s inauguration Black males murdered almost 12,000 other Black people,
after having spent decades reliably murdering at least 6,000 other Black people annually,
with 88% of Black people consistently being murdered by other Black people,
describing Whites as a domestic threat seems like nothing less than a wholly manufactured provocation to (ironically) commit acts of domestic terrorism against White people. And the Democrats’ racial incitement seems to be working: since 1968, Blacks have been far more likely to murder Whites than the other way around:
The fact that Democrat voters have no idea that the greatest danger to Black people is other Black people should not surprise us. The Democrats’ media machine is so vast that data on Black crime is almost impossible to find. Try searching “Black-on-Black murders”, for example, and you will find screed after screed bemoaning Blacks’ over-representation among murder victims. Almost none of these will discuss the fact that the perpetrators are almost all Black; those few that do will make excuses for this reality, deflect the issue, or attack people who are seeking such information.
If systemic violence and terrorism were of real concern to Joe Biden, he would do well to look into the ranks of his own voter base. But addressing real concerns is neither Biden’s nor the Democrats’ objective. Their real objective is to brainwash and agitate the most important component of their coalition, namely Black people.
According to an Axios article, “Why Latinos have historically voted for the Democratic Party”, JFK was courting Hispanics as well as Blacks. Being totally hip to the coalition strategy, JFK offered Hispanics positions in government that they had been seeking from both parties. Hispanics got what they wanted from JFK, and since then they’ve been along for the coalition ride.
My search of online literature turned up few solid reasons why Hispanics continue to favor Democrats, especially given that large numbers of Hispanics have religious and cultural values similar to those of Whites. My best guess is that Hispanics have close ties to family members in Mexico, Central America, and South America, and they view the Democrats as being more likely to favor massive immigration, thereby making the USA into more of a Hispanic nation.
Certainly the Biden administration has fulfilled that notion. Here are some online stats:
As with Blacks, Hispanics perpetrate significantly higher rates of violent crime and crime in general than Whites, and the greatest danger to a Hispanic person is, clearly, another Hispanic person (see Table 2 here), making it obvious that Biden’s warnings about White people are clearly intended to deceive Hispanics about who they should be fearing.
Asians’ tendency to vote Democrat is, to me, the greatest mystery. Of all racial groups in the USA, Asians seem most similar to Whites in terms of both work ethic and crime statistics, yet here are the voting stats:
Asian voters in US tend to be Democratic, except Vietnamese Americans | Pew Research Center
Asian Americans’ political preferences have flipped from red to blue (
It is worth noting that Asians tend to be massively concentrated in California and New York. Further, Asian-Americans are intensely urbanized, and urban populations tend to favor Democrats (I don’t know which is the cause and which is the effect). But perhaps most important is another Asian factor: most of the world’s Asians live under communist regimes, and they seem to prefer this despite the horrific histories of such regimes. Perhaps there is just something inherently socialistic about Asians.
Fragmenting the White Vote
Trump’s 2016 win was perhaps the most embarrassing blow that Democrats had ever endured. He was a joke candidate, a guy who’d never held any political office anywhere. Trump had never won an election to a school board or as a city alderman, and yet he had beaten the Democrats’ carefully groomed candidate - the presumed first female president – who had carefully climbed the traditional ladder as First Lady, U.S. Secretary of State, and two-term U.S. senator from New York. When we contemplate the enormity of this loss, the Democrats’ Trump Derangement Syndrome becomes easier to grasp. It is no accident that the Democrats fanned their #MeToo hysteria and suddenly started filling their media outlets with talk of “White supremacy” during Trump’s term:
Trump demonstrated to Democrats that their Rainbow Coalition isn’t enough. Even with all the nonwhite racial groups in their pockets, Democrats could not reliably take permanent control of the USA; elections are still just too close. So Democrats kicked into high gear with a ferocity that almost defies imagination. To ensure a permanent electoral majority, they’ve adopted two strategies:
chipping away subsets of the White majority by defining new non-racial “minorities”;
reducing the proportion of White voters in the USA.
The above Democrat Party strategies define our current whirlwind of seeming political insanity. But there is nothing insane here; it’s all just sound political strategy, and it’s working.
Non-Racial Democrat “Minorities”
Democrats can’t reduce the number of White voters (yet), but they can reduce the number of White people who vote Republican. For decades, Democrats have led our descent into cultural decadence with their “anything goes” sexual liberation (including limitless abortion), radical feminism, destruction of the nuclear family, and welfare-statism. They’ve now produced the most hopeless, depressed, and deranged generation ever to populate the USA, and they’re cashing in. Our young folks are ready to “identify” as anything the Democrats’ propaganda machine wants them to be.
What if I had told you, a decade ago, that by 2023:
it would be common for small American communities to hold public drag shows during their summer festivals, expressly designed to attract families with children,
there would be a new branch of the military (Space Force) that would employ a man thinly disguised as a woman, and because of his claim of being female, the military would require that everyone treat him as one,
and that in order to become a psychological therapist, you’d have to subscribe to the idea that chemically and surgically mutilating people who suffer from the delusion that they’re of the opposite sex is the only appropriate treatment?
It was only recently that gender dysphoria was still properly regarded as a mental disorder – an obvious mental disconnection from reality. “Transgender” people were believed to constitute a tiny fraction of one percent of the population. But today, due to a propaganda campaign backed by unfathomable billions of Democrat donor dollars, “about 5% of young adults in the U.S. say their gender is different from their sex assigned at birth”, and suddenly gender-dysphoric people are not only employed, but they’re being promoted to positions of power everywhere.
So probably now about 5% of the young White population is afflicted with this idea. According to historic norms, of these perhaps 3% would have grown up to vote Republican. So by promoting transgender lunacy, Democrats have peeled off perhaps 3% of the young White voting bloc and swept those people into their coalition. Their "Trans" movement funnels vulnerable children of white Republicans into the Democrat camp by targeting emotionally confused kids (mostly girls suffering from the obvious and dramatic discomforts of puberty), and it's working beautifully.
The coalition strategy explains why everything "trans" is so one-way. Medical insurance pays for transitioning but not for de-transitioning. There are thousands of paid and unpaid influencers grooming children online into the "trans" movement, but all the de-transitioning victims stand alone and are vilified, silenced, attacked, and mostly ignored. Democrats have devised a one-way street into their developing coalition of the mentally ill. They're making it easy for you to join their coalition and almost impossible to escape once you're in. It's essentially a contrived cult.
For those who haven’t figured out where Drag Queen Story Hour is taking us, let me shed some light: Frank-N-Furter will soon be showing up in your HR department demanding to be hired, perhaps as your salesperson, and there will be a federal agency that will fine you and take you to court should you decline to hire him. But not to worry: your customers, at least the ones who are federal contractors, may well be required to buy from him:
What will American businesses do when their employees demand to walk on all fours, barking like dogs and demanding to be fed from bowls on the floor? I guess that’s for them to figure out.
There are two components to the Democrats’ enlistment of criminals:
Democrats are decriminalizing (i.e. refusing to prosecute) entire categories of crime, including essentially all drug and property crimes, especially retail theft, and
Democrats seek to restore voting rights to felons, including felons who are still under probation following release.
Democrats justify all this using their typical rhetoric, including:
we should take into account people’s “lived experiences”,
social workers are great substitutes for police (presumably they can immediately fix longstanding toxic cultural and individual problems that have suddenly erupted into violence);
we need better police-community relations rather than actual policing.
Democrats have demonstrated that they are willing to destroy the entire retail business environments in their own cities, empty the prisons of dangerous criminals, and release property criminals immediately back into the streets in order to glean votes from both criminals and the racial groups that disproportionately produce them, i.e. Blacks and Hispanics, both members of the Democrats’ racial coalition.
All this is above and beyond the Democrats’ obvious collusion with the cartels. One hand washes the other. After all, who appreciates de-criminalization of drugs and theft more than the cartels?
Women (Feminists)
American feminism has been around for decades, but it has changed drastically. From the “first wave”, in which women sought merely to vote and have property rights, we’ve somehow gotten to the point where women openly vilify and ridicule men, increasingly regarding themselves as fully independent from them. Decades ago, corporations filled with men created devices that automated the household, largely freeing women from the drudgery of daily survival, making men’s and women’s roles seem interchangeable. Now, women increasingly entertain the idea that men are dispensable. Our social structure lets us enjoy the products of industries that are still staffed primarily by men without actually seeing the men. There’s a world full of female executives who’d be amazed at how suddenly indisposed they’d be if all the overwhelmingly male plumbers, construction workers, and technical grunts were to take an extended vacation. Goodness: no working roads, cars, toilets, showers, phones, and so forth.
Think about it. In 1880, a woman living without a man almost anywhere would soon have either starved or been molested, except perhaps for the clearly obvious intervention of some sort of charity. By 1980, single women and “single moms” had become cultural heroes. Just as the EBT card now makes it seem that there are no bread lines, so too the welfare check makes it appear that millions of women can live alone or raise children on their own. As the cigarette commercial used to say, you’ve come a long way, baby.
This is no accident; it’s by design. The most Republican-voting demographic is White men. The most astounding success of the Democrats’ social engineering is their peeling off of single women from the White Republican voting bloc. White males are Democrats’ public enemy #1. If you’ve ever wondered why Homer Simpson is now the prototypical male TV character or why White male Democrat talking heads constantly vilify White males, you have your answer.
A friend of mine is looking to settle down and get married. I told him that the most important thing he’ll want in a mate is respect, and I advised him to look overseas. It is hard for me to imagine how any female raised in post-1970 USA could look upon any White man (at least subconsciously) as anything other than a moron.
Nonetheless, from the chart above we see that after women get married, they tend to become more aligned with their husbands. It should not surprise us, then, that it is in the Democrats’ interest to conduct a war on traditional marriage and to support organizations like Planned Parenthood that give women more options for avoiding it.
Democratic Party leaders would love to drop the U.S. voting age to 16. Here’s a video of Nancy Pelosi telling us that she’s been advocating this for years. Remember that Nancy is no ordinary Democrat; she was one of the longest-serving Speakers of the House, with two four-year terms under her belt.
Pelosi describes her motivation: “It’s really important to capture kids in high school when they’re interested in this”. What she doesn’t mention is that she wants to hand children real ballots that will be counted in real elections. By that same logic, we should also let 16-year-olds practice for adult life using real alcohol in bars and driving real cars prior to being trained and licensed.
Anyone with any sense knows that Pelosi’s motivation is to gain a whole new demographic full of voters who:
are still under the indoctrination of Democrats’ teacher-union-controlled “public” schools,
are not yet troubled with the prospects of earning a living,
have no real-life experience,
are not taxed and therefore cannot grasp the downside of limitless government spending,
still view the world mostly through the lens of a child,
and consequently will vote for whoever promises them the most cookies,
and so will vote nearly 100% Democrat.
Not to worry. Our mainstream “news” organizations are fully on board: Voting at 16: Does it make a difference? - BBC My World.
The Mentally Ill
We imagine transgenderism as a recent phenomenon, but in fact it’s been festering in Marxist circles for decades. Watch this testimony here, from a woman who was indoctrinated with transgender ideology by her Marxist social circle:
Then watch how Marxism and transgender ideology now pervade the field of psychology:
Marxism and mental illness are perfect bedfellows. Marxism is about training people to imagine themselves as “marginalized” members of a victim class that is oppressed by some oppressor class. With Marxist Democrats now scraping the barrel for yet more victim classes to create, what better candidates than the mentally ill?
There are right now, I suspect, relatively small groups of deranged people being groomed across the USA for future membership in new Democrat Party victim classes. Like “transgenders”, they will seem to suddenly emerge as new members of the Democrat coalition. Democrats will continue forcing radical changes in public school curricula to introduce newly fabricated epistemologies, suddenly indoctrinating even the youngest of children into deranged new belief systems that have never even occurred to most adults.
Some obvious ideologies to be normalized, protected, popularized, honored, and folded into the Democrat coalition are:
pedophilia (oops, pedophiles are now “Minor Attracted Persons”),
drug addiction (why do you think “homeless camps” are all the rage?),
sex addiction,
any form of mental dysfunction you can imagine.
Indeed, under Democrat leadership we can expect a future in which hordes of mentally ill adults are pushed into the professions of teaching and psychology in order to inflict their pathologies onto the next generation, and promoted into high positions in government agencies and the military, where they can force their depravity on enormous captive audiences (sound familiar?).
Climate and COVID Refugees
How do you turn a borderline Republican into an avid Democrat voter? It’s easy:
Team up with a self-interested industry that’s positioned to make trillions off of a contrived crisis.
Unleash a relentless flood of propaganda that will terrorize people into buying that industry’s products.
Depict everyone who doubts the propaganda as a threat to everyone else.
Rather than elaborate here, I refer you to my previous articles:
What’s next? The possibilities are endless.
Repopulation / Replacement
In 2023 Biden attained a milestone in his party’s war on White people: he had ramped up illegal immigration to the point where the influx of illegal (nonwhite) people exceeds the national birth rate. Of course almost all of Biden’s immigrants are nonwhite. So now it’s official: American Whites are being replaced with nonwhites.
Democrat propaganda outlets decry anyone pointing out these simple facts:
What is ‘great replacement theory’ and how does it fuel racist violence? | PBS NewsHour
The 'great replacement' conspiracy theory has gone from fringe to mainstream : NPR
It’s the usual Democrat claptrap:
facts are racist,
pointing out facts makes you a racist,
oh, and by the way, you’re also a conspiracy theorist.
Even more absurd is the fact that Leftist media outlets acknowledge (and often celebrate) that Whites are becoming a minority, while ridiculing the notion that Biden’s open-border policies (and similar initiatives worldwide) are designed to increase nonwhite populations (really? then what are they?).
Why is it so important for Democrats to import other races at the expense of Whites? I think it goes back to the question of why Asians, who seem to share a lot of values with Whites, vote for Democrats: Nonwhite people seem to prefer living under dictatorships, especially communist dictatorships, and so we may expect them to vote Democrat.
In contrast, Whites are the only race to have established non-autocratic political systems. Whites wrote the Magna Carta. Whites diminished the power of kings by encumbering them with parliaments. Whites created the United States, the world’s first country to throw off the whole notion of being ruled by permanently-installed kings, emperors, and their family dynasties. Whites seem to have an innate tendency to throw off the chains of totalitarianism.
To defeat Whites, Democrats are importing everyone else, reducing the White percentage of the population. Eventually, after White Democrats have succeeded in reducing their own race to a minority here, they may end up experiencing the same fate as White minorities in other countries. I’d enjoy experiencing the Darwinist Schadenfreude in that, except for the fact that they will have taken the rest of us with them.
Ramping up the insanity
Democrats are fragmenting the White Republican voting bloc, peeling off weak-minded, emotionally unstable people from the Republican voter base. Not enough such people occur naturally, so Democrats must create them via their media outlets, spewing their social-justice hoaxes and promoting their social contagions of mental disease.
But this is just the beginning. Under unstoppable Democrat rule, things can only get crazier. Much, much crazier.
The entire “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) philosophy, which has completely swept all of academia, corporate America, and every government agency at every level, is an expressly anti-White hate movement led by the Democratic Party. According to DEI there are only two kinds of Whites:
those who are Woke, who acknowledge that they are the enemy of all mankind,
and those who are not Woke, who are even more dangerous because they are the universal enemy and don’t even realize it.
White people are inherently racist, they teach our children, and “racist” is the worst thing you can be. It is beyond me how anyone at this point could fail to see that Democrats are fomenting a real race war against White people, one that will ultimately come to violence. Meanwhile as you’re waiting for that, if you think that your managers and your HR folks don’t subscribe to this belief, you are kidding yourself; they are hired and fired based expressly upon their support of this ideology.
The latest Democrat lunacy, it seems, is a new conspiracy theory (to use their own disparaging term) called “Christian Nationalism”. Closely linked to their “White supremacy” and “systemic racism”, and vaguely reminiscent of “National Socialists”, it appears that Democrats are mounting a new terror campaign in preparation for the 2024 election.
At some point, the Democrats will have to stop merely calling White people names and brainwashing their voters to despise Whites. Democrats are going to have to start getting violent. What form will the violence take? That remains to be seen.
==== ADDENDUM OF 4/1/24
Added the “Climate and COVID Refugees” section above
==== ADDENDUM OF 5/4/24
Thank you, BRANCO:
==== ADDENDUM OF 1/3/2025
The USA is the world's only experiment in large-scale meritocracy. Due to natural realities, it was a place where only the most technically advanced and industrious people could arrive and survive. Not surprisingly it nurtured a society that values performance and merit. I once asked a Christian missionary acquaintance of mine why missionaries continue to make such little progress with Africans; without hesitation she replied, "They're corrupt and lazy." (She also informed me that missionaries spend little time preaching religion; most of their efforts are expended in teaching basic empowerment skills.)
The vast majority of the world's population lives in societies where corruption and fealty are the only routes to success. India, China, Mexico, most of South & Central America, you name it. These are dynasties where those lucky enough to be in power rule with an iron fist, and your only route to success is to cozy up to them. What Democrats (in reality American Communists) despise most is our culture of merit. Democrats seek to turn the USA into a dynasty where, as in the rest of the world, your only route to success is to suck up to the top dogs. Our current European-inspired culture and the descendants who support it are the Democratic Party's greatest enemy. So, you see, there’s nothing crazy about the Democrats’ agenda: Every Democrat policy is designed to build the party’s voting coalition.
No democrat will read this report. And if by some reason one does, she will just not believe any of the stats and logic. It’s the greatest “talent” s democrat has.
Excellent work. The vast majority don't, can't or won't read. I appreciate your laying this out it is a great piece. I learned a few more things here and the timeline with the graphs is very useful in building your case. If we don't change the structure of how these villains have been looting the treasury to fund the SATANIC agenda we will have to go through a collapse to have a chance at recovery.